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Sunday April 4th 2028
Portimao - Portugal

"Okay rockstar, it's party time," Dani says as I stand by the nose of the car and I nod in agreement as I look around a little. It's week three and I'm starting second behind Max who I can see smirking at me confidently from by his car and I flick my eyes back to Dani and smile. "You guys seem different..." she says looking between Max and me and I just shrug.

"It feels different, I don't know...I'm trying to not think about it right now though. I just want to win. I think he does too. I think that's why..." I tell her and she agrees with me before showing me the iPad wordlessly with the different strategies and I read through it as we try to block out the noise being produced by the fans and other people on the track. After five minutes I nod and sip at my water bottle, looking around as I close my eyes and try to focus on what I just read, making sure I can recall it. Once confident I shoot her a thumbs up and pull my headphones over one ear, looking around and seeing Liv standing by Lando's car, talking to my teammate. I walk over and tap her lightly on the arm. "Boyfriend later, boss now," I tell her sharply but she knows I'm joking as Lando glares at me and she follows me over to my car where Nick is standing with JC and Emmy who is now big enough to sort of understand what is going on.

"You ready?" Nick asks and I shrug, nodding.

"I think so, apparently I'm the queen of late braking now...so I'm going to try and not let that get into my head and focus on the track," I tell him and he nods, clearly pleased with my answer and I turn to Emmy.

"You'll be safe?" She asks me softly and my eyes widen as I look down at the blonde hair, blue-eyed girl, crouching down.

"This sport...it isn't safe..." I tell her softly and JC nudges my shoulder annoyed and I shoot her a glare to let me finish as I stare into Emmy's worried eyes. "But, I'm really good at it. I'm actually the safest driver on the grid...so I'll be as safe as I can be but I can't promise you that nothing will go wrong. Okay? I don't want to lie to you," I tell her softly and she nods, reaching out to take my hands in hers, I squeeze them gently.

"I want to be as good as you when I get older," she tells me and I smile, trying to ignore JC to our right who is glaring at me for being a "bad influence".

"Well, when you watch me race...figure out what I can do better. How I should defend, do I have the right line? Watch where I position the car and how I communicate with my team because all of that is what makes me so good," I tell her smiling softly and she nods rapidly, eyes peaking behind me slightly and I narrow mine at her before looking over my shoulder realising what, or who, it is that she's looking at. "Do you want to see Max?" I ask her softly and everyone around us freezes, even Emmy who can't believe she's getting the offer before nodding softly and I smile at her. "No promises, but let's see if he has time?" I ask her standing up and keeping her hand in mine as we walk diagonally towards him. I see GP see us coming and he taps Max on the shoulder to turn around.

I'm so aware of the cameras around us.

I'm blocking them out. They don't matter. Emmy does.

"Hey," I say softly to Max who I don't even think has noticed Emmy whose slightly behind my legs.

"Hi," he says breathlessly, clearly not expecting me to approach him. I can't believe I'm doing this either. My heart is beating so hard against my chest as I look into his blue eyes, only getting alerted to why I'm here when Emmy removes her hand from mine and wraps her arms around my leg instead.

"Right, erm, Emmy stop hiding, please," I tell her sweetly and break the eye contact, looking down at the small angel and feeling Max's attention stay on me. I raise my eyes to meet his once more. "Emmy wanted to say hi...I think she misses you," I tell him softly and this time he looks away from me and his eyes travel down my body, making my eyes flush until they lock onto Emmy. We both crouched down and I put my hands lightly on one shoulder to bring her between us.

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