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Salem is seriously questioning his agreement to all of this.

Sure, Salem's decision making capabilities have always been a bit lacking. He's fully aware of the fact that he wouldn't get into half of the bullshit he does if he had better judgement. However, this probably takes the cake.

Catrine was right, Salem doesn't have his first class with Atlas. He gets a break there. However, not only is Atlas in all four of his others, but they have to sit beside each other.

In every single one, they have assigned seats right next to each other. In every single one, they are told to do partner work. Obviously they don't, Atlas completely ignores Salem's existence. It's been three weeks since the start of the new semester, and Atlas hasn't spoken a single word to him. Normally, Salem would be happy about this. However, he has a job to do.

Catrine has been hounding him about his investigation and the fact that he's made no progress. He just doesn't know what to do. He's not good at talking to Atlas generally, let alone without reason.

He can't use their studies as an excuse, because he's always been better than Atlas when it comes to school. It wouldn't make sense for him to ask the other for help. He has no idea what else they could talk about, though. They have nothing in common, Salem has seriously never met anybody more opposite than him.

Atlas is more carefree about his studies, Salem has always been a perfectionist. Atlas hardly speaks unless spoken to, Salem loves talking to people. Atlas is generally mean, Salem is nice. Atlas feels almost nothing, Salem is an emotional mess. Then there's the way they were raised, Atlas from a background of crime and Salem from one of order.

Even the way they look is completely different.
Salem has light brown hair and honey eyes, a somewhat small frame, and his caramel-toned skin is covered in freckles. Atlas has black hair and hazel eyes, his skin is completely flawless and a shade lighter than Salem's. He's also a lot bigger than Salem, generally speaking.

Atlas is all tattoos and piercings and dark aesthetics. Salem is a good kid, a straight A student with a style that's almost exclusively sweatpants and thrifted t-shirts. They are polar opposites.

Salem is currently sitting in his second class of the day, Atlas having not arrived yet. Salem begins looking through his bag for a pen, before he realizes that he gave his last one to Milo yesterday. He didn't need one in his first period, since they were just watching a video. He swears, wondering what he's going to do. This class is almost always 90% note taking, so without a pen he's doomed. He doesn't really know anyone in here, either.

Salem suddenly feels a presence beside him, and it gives him an idea.

He takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself to speak with Atlas after almost a month of silence. Choosing to get it over with before he's interrupted by the lesson starting, he turns to face his ex.

Atlas isn't looking at him, and Salem decides to get his attention by just talking. "Do you have a pen I can use?"

Atlas glances over at him, and the eye contact has Salem frozen for some reason. Holy shit, he talked to Atlas. Holy fuck. He did it!

Atlas hands Salem the pen he'd previously been messing with in anticipation for class. Salem reluctantly takes it, being careful so he doesn't accidentally brush Atlas' skin with his own. After his retrieval, Atlas turns to face the board again-laying his head down this time. It isn't until about halfway through class that Salem realizes Atlas has no intention of doing anything.

Atlas must have given Salem his last pen.

Salem instantly feels guilty, and makes sure to put the pen back on Atlas' desk at the end of class. Atlas doesn't take it, though, and when the bell rings he just leaves it behind. Salem is forced to take it back.

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