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"Didn't you work here?"

Jack was given an officer's funeral. Not even that, he was given a Chief's funeral. Hundreds of emergency vehicles around the city escorting him to his grave, people crying and grieving, even those that didn't know him. A lot of officers were upset as well, and everyone Salem saw seemed genuine.

Catrine was not, and she didn't get the satisfaction of seeing the last remaining Heart family member grieve. Salem made sure of that. He was stone faced the entire time, and talked to nobody but the officers he trusted. The ones who cared. Salem didn't associate with the woman for years, not until he graduated the police academy and was forced to. Then again, even that was one sided—she congratulated him, like she did with the rest of his class, and he ignored her entire fucking existence.

ACPD was happy to have him on board, they knew he'd be a great asset to their agency. Salem is positive the only reason Catrine allowed it was because she couldn't come up with a valid reason to turn him down. He was the top of his class in everything, whether it was the physical requirements or the written exam. He had background knowledge, had been around it is whole life. Not to mention the legend that was his father. If Catrine turned him away, she'd have raised suspicion. She knew that.

Salem's only setback was his mental illness, but as soon as he got proof of stability from a psychologist, they couldn't argue that point. He's taken his medicine almost religiously ever since, not willing to risk someone catching him in another moment of weakness. Jack's death changed him, and not in a good way.

Ever since his breakdown at the police station, Salem vowed to never let someone see him emotional, ever again. So far, he's stuck by that.


"When I was in high school," Salem answers grumpily, trying to eat his burger without interruption. Unfortunately, he was cursed with a talkative partner.

"Really?" Donovan asks, frowning. Salem doesn't understand the confusion, but doesn't care enough to ask. He's sure the guy will explain anyway, he's incapable of silence. Donovan always reminded Salem of Cam in that way. "Didn't your grades go down? My parents wouldn't let me work when I was in school."

"No." Salem says, and normally he wouldn't entertain conversation at all, but he's had Donovan as a partner for long enough to know that would only encourage him.

Salem was the top of his academy, and Donovan was basically at the bottom. Salem knows for a fact they were paired on purpose for that exact reason. Well, okay, not for a fact, but it just makes too much sense. Donovan has annoyed him since the very start, but that's mostly because Salem doesn't want friends. He has Zona, he's always had Zona, she's all he needs.

"That's impressive."

"No it's not." Salem replies, almost done with his burger. "What's impressive is being able to talk clearly with your mouth full."

"I know, it's a talent." Donovan replies, once again with his mouth full. Salem rolls his eyes, almost positive the guy is actually trying to annoy him at this point.

Salem hears his radio go off, dispatch letting him know that there is some sort of domestic dispute nearby. Salem isn't bothered at the interruption because their lunch was basically over anyway. Or, his was.

Salem and Donovan take their leave, the 22 year old leading the way while 30 year old Donovan lags behind, complaining he didn't get to finish his lunch. That's a pretty normal thing, but he still bitches. Every time. Salem doesn't understand why he can't just shut up and eat faster.

"That better not leave the car." Salem says upon laying eyes on the handful of fries Donny took with them. He's already shoving them in his mouth, answering Salem during this.

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