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Things go back to normal pretty quick. It turns out that while he was locked away, it snowed. This works in his favor, because all he has to do is tell his boss that he lost power and got snowed in and he's basically in the clear. He does get a few days of suspension. That's due to protocol, though.

Donovan isn't happy with him either, but Salem gives him the same excuse and the guy lets it go pretty quick. It doesn't take much convincing, since Donny is a pretty easygoing guy.

Ruby is the tricky one.

This is because he knows he needs to tell her the truth. She won't buy any of his excuses, and it took until Salem got out of that subway station and on a bus before he realized something. Atlas has no idea that Salem lives with someone, or else he probably would've tried to convince Salem with that as leverage. However, it becomes obvious once he's cleared his head. If Salem's safety is in danger, it's likely that Ruby's is as well.

When Salem gets home, it's awful. Despite it being mostly out of his control, he still feels horrible when he sees the state Ruby is in. She has abandonment issues, she's used to being treated like shit, and Salem is supposed to make things better. When he gets home, he's immediately pulled into a hug by a sobbing fifteen year old girl. It's the middle of the night, and even without her dark circles it would be obvious she hasn't been sleeping.

God, Salem feels like shit immediately.

Ruby buries her face in his shirt, entire body trembling. Salem sighs, before wrapping his arms around her. He holds her, doing his best to comfort the girl, whispering apologies in the silent of the morning. Eventually, she pulls away, still sniffling.

"W-Where were you?" She stutters out, voice wobbly. Salem tries not to get emotional as well, needing to be the strong adult in the situation. He just really, really doesn't handle guilt well.

"It wasn't on purpose," Salem reassures. "I'd never do that to you. It's a long story, and I'll explain after you get some rest."

"Please just tell me now." She says, having fully pulled away. She stares up at him with tearful eyes, looking a wreck, and Salem discovers something about himself. When someone is his responsibility, and he fails in caring for them in any way, he will do absolutely fucking anything to make it better. He's never felt this bad in his life. "I've been so worried. Your- I mean, your job is so dangerous, and—"

Her voice cracks. Salem wants to hug her again, but he won't. Despite the fact she just hugged him, he hasn't been given permission. He won't risk making this worse, especially when she's so fragile.

"Okay." Salem concedes. "Okay, but we should sit down."

They go to the couch, Ruby sitting close to him. He's glad she's not upset with him, that she didn't assume the worst. Honestly, the conclusion she jumped to was actually very logical. When Salem's father would come home late, he'd have the same fear. Still, it makes Salem happy that Ruby didn't think he abandoned her. The faith she has in him seriously makes him feel so much better. Maybe he's a good caretaker after all.

Salem takes a moment to gather his thoughts, wondering how much detail he should go into. He doesn't want to scare Ruby, but he wants her to be aware of the situation. He wants her to be careful as well.

"So, my... uh, one of my friends in high school was involved with some bad people." Salem reveals. He decides not to disclose he and Atlas' relationship, not wanting to sidetrack the conversation. He knows Ruby doesn't already know, because Zona didn't talk about her personal life with her sister that much, which includes Salem's life as well. She was too busy basically raising the girl.

Ruby nods.

"Well, because of that, I kind of got mixed in. Now he's a lot more involved with crime, and there are so many people who don't like him. Yesterday, I was drugged and taken in some sort of attempt to get information, or as a trap, I guess. I'm not sure, but he got me out of there."

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