Chasing cars

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Max and Charles had been dating since 2017, a little rough patch broke them up during 2020 but they sorted it out together they only parted for 4,5 months until they found their way back to each other.
They weren't out too the world, though their families, closest friends and team principal's did know.

The last couple off months had taken a toll on them though. Their break-up and everything that comes with it, together with racing at the pinnacle of motorsport while in covid times was a lot. So that's why they were so excited to go on a Holliday together. Charles had prepared it all, gifting it too Max as he still kind of felt like he was responsible for their short break up.
They had been out to dinner and decided to stop pretending to the outside world that they don't like each other, it wouldn't hurt if the fans thought and saw they were friends.

Charles had gifted Max a game of FIFA from his own PlayStation stash wrapped in birthday paper as that was their cover up for being out together, celebrating their birthdays. Max had looked at him puzzled before opening the box and seeing the Holliday invitation, smiling from ear to ear.

Charles had heard about this beautiful holiday retreat from Alex, he told him that he had been there with Lilly and they hadn't seen a soul enjoying their privacy last year. It was honestly perfect. The bedroom had big and high windows close to the jetty on the water, the living room having a view on the private beach.

They had the best time just lazing around their beach house, having fun at the beach and in the water, going on various outings, just having fun while enjoying the others company.
Today they had a amazing day swimming with dolphins and having a nice meal with another couple they had met. They were driving back to the beach house when everything took a turn for the worst.

It was a screeching sound, a sound they were both unfortunately so familiar with before everything went black.


Max opened his eyes. Blinking a few times. What had happened? Where was he? He looked up and saw a blue sky full of stars, palm trees swaying in front of it due to the warm breeze going trough him, it all felt so peaceful, hearing his mum's voice humming a soothing lullaby until realisation hit him and he was back to present time.
"Charles?" He exclaimed before he started to frantically look around. The peaceful warmth fast subsided for a cold shiver down his spine.

As his eyes adjusted to his surroundings he saw their rental, a couple meter away. The sight terrified the dutchman. The car was flipped over on its side parked against one off the palm trees He froze for a second. How did he even end up outside of the car? He put his seatbelt on didn't he? He stored that question in his mind for later as he ran forward towards the wreck. Hoping to find his beloved Charles there.

"O MY GOD CHARLIE?!" He cried out as he saw the monegasque in the car, his face red from blood. Not sure he was even awake or alive as he hadn't seen any movement.
"MAX?!" An equally desperate cry came from inside the wreckage. "I'm here babe I'm here!" Max could only reply. "Are you okay, please tell me you are okay?!" He couldn't hide the desperation in his tone. "I-I think- I think I am?!" Charles told him from inside the car. "Can you move?" Max asked were on Charles tried to move his arms, hands, fingers , legs and toes. Luckily there was no problem there though everything felt sore. He would definitely be bruised.

"I-I think I'm stuck" Charles said as he tried to move in the car but didn't move an inch. This terrified him though he tried to stay calm. "Please Max help me out" desperation seeping through in his voice. "I'll try-I- I first am going to call for help okay?" He asked for his phone in his pockets though he couldn't find it. "FUCK! Where is that stupid thing?!" He cursed as he desperately searched for it.

"Try mine! It's in the backpack" Charles said as he saw the dutchman slowly panicking at the fact he didn't know where his phone was.
Max stared at him processing what the Monegasque had just said until it clicked and he climbed on the side of the car and went through the broken window to get to the backpack.

As he climbed out again he tried to call the alarm number, it being hard as his hands trembled from the adrenaline and fear. "FUCk!" He exclaimed again "no fucking signal!" He said as he desperately tried to whipe the tears that where forming in his eyes, from his face. As he didn't want to scare his boyfriend unnecessarily.

Charles who had heard the commotion from outside the car called out for him. "M-Max what is going on? Where are you?" The dutchman crouched down next to the window again so he could look at him. "I need to go down the road a little bit, we have no signal between these rocks" he tried to say as calmly as possible though it still engulfed the monegasque with fear. "Please Max, d-don't leave, you can't-you can't leave me alone. P-please?!" He cried out and Max's heart broke.

"I'll be back in a second I promise you Charlie b-but we need help" he tried to sound reassuring and steady. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes I promise... okay?" He asked. He ran as fast as he could when Charles nodded still a sobbing mess. "Okay" between breathes.

Luckily his phone had reception about 250 meters away from the wreckage so he was quick to call the alarm number. Though being a professional athlete he was completely out of breath as he called out for help through the phone. Running back again as they had hung up and told him they were coming and weren't to far out. Only noticing the limb in his step as he felt pain going through his right ankle. But he quickly shut that off as he just wanted to get to Charles.

"I'm back babe I'm back" he said as he crouched down in front of the car again. Though Charles's face was stained with blood and tears he could see a small smile forming on his lips as he saw him.
Though after mere seconds that smile turned in to a frown as he sniffed. "Do you smell that?" He asked the dutchman.  Max sniffed the air too. "Fuck gasoline!" He said as he looked underneath the car, seeing the fluid dripping from it.

The paramedics had told him not to move Charles if not necessary to avoid spinal cord injury. Max knew it was dangerous to move someone abruptly after a crash, especially their necks. It wasn't for nothing they wear a HANS system during racing. Though the alternative of a fire sounded even worse.

"Charles can you try to unbuckle your seatbelt for me?" He instructed him firmly as he didn't want to loose precious time. After some trying the monegasque managed to do so. Though it was hard it realised some movement. Max instructed Charles on where to go . "Exactly that's it lief!" He encouraged him though he could see in how much pain Charles was.
In the end he went in the car with Charles as he managed to lift him out of it before making their way a safe distance from the wreckage waiting for help to come.

Charles was scanning over his boyfriend as they were lying on the grass. "M-maxy your bleeding!" Charles had said as he took a look at the Dutchman's arm. "It is superficial, it will heal" max tried to reassure him as he started to hum a soft lullaby trying to calm Charles down while they were waiting. "It's okay, we're okay" he whispered reassuringly in his ear.

About 3 minutes later the blue lights and sirens came in sight. Right on time as the car was now producing heavy smoke too. The fire marshals took care of that as the paramedics looked out over them. Max told them to just look at Charles but the paramedic insisted he needed to be looked at too.

As they where checked Charles was put on the stretcher as Max was instructed to sit on the seat next towards the monegasque's head as they were driven at the hospital.
Max never let go of his hand once during the ride. Stroking his other hand through the brown curls as a soothing gesture.
"You're going to be alright lief"

Chasing cars || Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now