Chapter 8 - Chloe Has Other Friends?!

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If Chat Noir noticed a change in my and Ladybug's attitudes towards each other, he didn't mention it. He was just ecstatic that we were no longer at each others throats and seemed like he wasn't going to question anything, which was a good thing. I really didn't want to explain why we were almost best friends. That would just make Chat Noir feel bad that I learned things before he did.

It's been a few days since than, and so far no Akumas have spawned. It was a great time to relax as I decided to wear the green gingham dress I bought from La Bella, and over it I pulled on a pink flower cardigan, pink ballet flats, and the matching green tote bag that I have been bringing to school with me non-stop since I bought it. It's become my favorite bag, and Gulla seems to really enjoy the pouch. It was deep and I made a little nest for her to lounge in while we were at school and she couldn't show herself.

"Whoa, Charlotte!" A familiar bold voice called my name. Glancing up I beamed when I saw my group of friends. Besides Marinette, of course, as she was always late. That was something I had grown accustomed to. "That outfit is banging!" Alya beamed and I laughed, blushing at the sudden attention that was getting thrown my way.

"Bought it at a nearby fashion shop, actually," I shrugged, glad that other people loved the piece. "The cardigan and flats are the only pieces that didn't come from there but I thought it fit the vibe well."

"It does!" A new voice chirped and I whirled around to see the blue-haired girl walking up to me, beaming. "I should know, I'm the designer here," she smirked and I laughed at her confidence. If there was one thing that Marinette was surely confident with it was her ability to create outfits.

"Wow, Mari's on time?" Alya teased as Marinette stuck her tongue out at her. "That's twice in a month!" She gasped dramatically and we all chuckled at Marinette's pout.

"Cut me some slack!" Mari groaned, placing her face in her hands. "I live in a bakery! Sometimes I have to help my parents with baking before coming to school!" That was a liable excuse. I found myself nodding and Marinette beamed at me. "Oh, right! Here!" She thrusted a box at me and I blinked in surprise.

"Uh..." I murmured, opening it and my eyes widened at the goodies. A bunch of different colored macarons displayed beautifully. "Marinette, why?" I wondered, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

Marinette shrugged as she placed her arms behind her back, swinging them back and fourth nervously. "Well... you're new. You've been here for a few weeks, though it feels like we've known each other since forever. I thought I'd give you a proper welcome gift for lasting this long with us!" She blushed as she shyly moved her heel around. "I wanted to show my appreciation." She admitted and I could see the truth in her eyes.

That made me blink in surprise. I was on the assumption that Marinette didn't really like me very well, granted she never really showed it outright since I hung out with her friends who were hers first. I had gotten along pretty well with most of the kids here, besides Chloe but she didn't get along with anyone. "I... uh... thank you," I grinned as I took out a pink macaron, taking a bite. Immediately strawberry flavor filled my tastebuds and I moaned. "Mari, these are amazing! You have to teach me sometime!" I begged and she giggled, her eyes dancing in amusement.

"Mari is a great baker," Adrien agreed and I almost forgot they were here. They were so quiet throughout that interaction, though maybe they were just giving Marinette and I a moment.

Both Alya and Nino nodded. "Her cookies?" Nino made a chefs kiss motion with his hands, making us girls giggle. Adrien chuckled at that, though he seemed to be in agreement - making Marinette flush. Maybe she wasn't used to all the praise?

"Also Char," Alya started as we made our way inside the school building when the first bell rang, "I have to know where you got your tote bag. I could totally use a new bag, and that one is uber cute!" She gushed and I grinned at her. I couldn't wait to tell Nadine that her moms fashion is liked among my peers.

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