Chapter 22 - Meeting Serenity Swan

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It was my night for patrol. Usually Adrien would be with me, but he had to finish homework that Miss Mandelieve decided to give us at the last minute, which was on par with her usual quota. It just sucks that Adrien couldn't be with me tonight. I had gotten mine done as soon as I got home, considering I knew I had patrol tonight and needed to get that done - or face the wrath of Ladybug otherwise.

I knew within my heart if I didn't patrol tonight she'd know. How she'd know I'd have no idea, but she was like Dumbledore. All knowing. Though I'd never tell her that to her face; she had a big enough ego as it was without my help.

The night was a long one, and there wasn't anything to report either way. I was about to call it a night when I saw a flash of white in my peripheral vision. Narrowing my eyes I decided to follow it.

They were fast. It took nearly all that I had to even catch up, and when I did I was a panting mess. Not in a good way either. Catching my breath it got caught in my throat when the person in front of me cleared theirs. "Why did you follow me?" A deep voice demanded. Glancing up I was startled to see a Swan-like heroine standing in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest as he gave me a look.

I cleared my throat, standing up straight as I scratched the back of my neck. "I... uh... saw you, and I'm on patrol. Ladybug would kill me if I didn't follow up on any lead." That was the truth, at least. Though I wasn't going to tell Ladybug what I discovered. I knew that if I told her there was another heroine she'd go mad, wanting to find them and demand answers. I could tell he didn't believe me, which I wouldn't believe me either. This was very unreal, and I was amazed I was living this life. "Who are you?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

The Swan hero watched me silently, probably assessing if he could trust me or not. "Serenity," was his answer. "I'm Serenity Swan. And you're Nebula." I blinked my eyes in surprise that he knew who I was and he chuckled at that. "I watch the news, young one. You new heroes are always there." He commented off-handedly and I shrugged, knowing that to be true. We were somewhat iconic now, which was a weird thing to say about myself.

"Nice to meet you, Serenity Swan. I promise not to tell Ladybug about you," I voiced out loud, looking a bit sheepish. "Though I can't say the same about my boyfriend, we pretty much tell each other everything. Though he wouldn't tell a soul about you either," I promised, knowing Adrien.

Serenity Swan raised an eyebrow at me, though he had a smirk on his face. "Oh, cat boy? Yes, I noticed how close you two were..." He trailed off with a grimace. I gaped at him, surprised he noticed. How long had he been in Paris? "Be careful, okay?" He told me sincerely, surprising me yet again.

I frowned, wondering what he was telling me to be careful of before nodding my head. "Sure," was all I said. I didn't really know what to say to that. I had a feeling I knew who this was, but I didn't want to make assumptions. Master Fu had said there were others on the last team, who's to say this wasn't one of them who got to keep their Miraculous?

With that Serenity Swan nodded. "Now, if this meeting is done, I'm needed elsewhere. I'm investigating something happening in Paris. I'm sure we'll meet again," with a small wave he was gone in a blink of an eye.

Gaping at the retreat, I shook my head. Did he just disappear, or was he that fast? Shaking my head again I leaped towards my place, swooping onto my balcony. Walking into my room I de-transformed; Gulla gave me a shocked look. "You saw that, right?" I frowned at the memory, glancing outside once again.

"I'm surprised as you are," she stated honestly, eyes brightening up when I brandished a dried banana chip. She took it gratefully, munching on it for a few minutes. "It's too coincidental for him not to be your father, but I am proud of you for not pointing that out." She gave me a small smile and I just shrugged, feeling a little bit of weight on my shoulders.

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