Chapter 12 - New Career

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"YOU'RE MODELING WITH WHO?!" A loud screech sounded, making me wince in pain. I turned to see Adrien with Chloe, who looked uncomfortable. I couldn't exactly blame him, Chloe was a complete menace. "What is your father thinking, pairing you up with such a degenerate?!" Chloe sneered and I just rolled my eyes. At first she was so happy to become my friend and now, because I called her out and get to model with Adrien she was a complete and total brat.

Adrien just sighed. For his part, he seemed like a tired parent and the thought made me grin though I smothered it when Chloe looked at me. "Father paired me up with Charlotte," he explained like he was talking to a slow person. "Her mother and my father contacted each other and are now working together. It's neither of our doing, Chloe."

I could respect him trying to be soft with the spoiled rich girl, but I knew it would do a slick of good.

"Did you brainwash Gabriel into letting you model with my Adrikins?" Chloe sneered over at me and I rolled my eyes at her, unfazed.

"I could not brainwash that man even if I tried," I laughed at her, shaking my head and making her face scrunch her face up even more in distaste. "Gabriel knows what he wants." Adrien gave me an amused look, though he knew that I was right.

Chloe scoffed, though she also knew I was right as she marched away like a child. "That was pretty much the reaction I thought she'd give," Marinette commented with a laugh. I had told her and Alya the night it had happened, not wanting them to hear from an outside party that I was going to be modeling with the Adrien Agreste. I had no idea how popular the boy was, and I wondered what it was like to be infamous.

Though I had a feeling once people knew I was the daughter of Cavier Cadence, I'd be in the same boat.

I already was, for the most part. When people heard my last name they always asked, than gasped when I confirmed. Like it was such a shock for Julia Belleguarde to have a daughter. Maybe it was. Much like it was a shock that Gabriel Agreste had a son.

Alya just scoffed. "The girl needs to chill. You're not her property," she scolded, placing her hands on her hips sassily. I loved her, she was such an icon.

Adrien just shrugged, though there was a frown on his face. He didn't know what to say or do about this situation, and to be completely honest neither did I.

Placing a hand on his shoulder he gave me a surprised look. "We'll get through this. Together," I told him softly, giving his shoulder a small squeeze. Though before I could take my hand away he placed his overtop mine, giving it a grateful squeeze back.

"I hate you have to go through the things I do though," he made a small comment which made me frown. "You'll get hate mail. Probably stalkers." That was probably right, though I was ready to ignore everyone. Maybe even put all my social media shit on private so people can't contact me but those I want to.

Though I wasn't an idiot and knew people had their ways.

"I'll be okay," I shrugged, taking my hand back and immediately missing the warmth. "I have a thick skin." That was from years and years of torment, and the fact my mother was the owner of a rather infamous restaurant. Not because of me. Never because of me. And even though I'd be the one modeling Gabriel's fashion, I had a feeling it would be the same thing.

Following after Adrien would not help either.

I didn't blame Adrien, I knew it wasn't his fault. He clearly didn't want this life either. I blamed our parents who didn't know what self control was. They only cared about money and publicity, which was ironic considering Gabriel rarely made interviews and came out during the public when he wasn't working.

"I don't just mean from my fangirls," he pointed out dryly. "Males also have a thing for fashion." I shuddered at that thought, sighing.

Alya smirked at me, though she made no comment as she glanced between the two of us. I rolled my eyes at her. Adrien wasn't jealous. He was looking out for me. There was a difference. While Adrien and I have gotten closer, it was clear that we had no romantic feelings towards one another. Besides that I might be falling for a black tom cat who can't seem to stop flirting with me, though I wouldn't want it any other way.

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop was an ethereal feeling. Never once in my life did I think I would be doing this, and so efficiently at that.

I also just needed to get out of my house, and it was my night to patrol. That was a blessing in disguise.

With a sigh I leapt on top of a roof that was near my house. I knew that I would have to go back eventually, but I also knew my mother wouldn't check on me this time of night. By now she was pampering herself, and she knew that I was supposedly safe in my room.

"Didn't want to be at home either, huh?" A familiar voice asked and I smiled, turning to see the blond looking at me with a twinkle in his eyes. "This seems to be a common endeavor for the both of us," he commented with a laugh.

I chuckled with him. "Home is just a little stiff tonight," I commented with a sigh. "Though it is most nights, it was even more tonight." I added as an afterthought, which made the tom cat frown.

"Did something happen?" He wondered out of concern, walking over and sitting beside me. We must live in the same area to be able to do this comfortably. Though I never once told him where I lived, and he never once told me where he lived. We knew better than to do that, knowing it would most definitely incriminate us - and our identities had to be kept a secret. Though apart of me wondered what it would be like, knowing my superhero friends in and out of our personas. Did we already know each other?

Shrugging I wrapped my arms around my knees, a nervous tick I did sometimes. "My mother is just a bit much," I said honestly. We were already honest with each other, maybe a bit too honest, so I didn't care to add a bit more details into the mix. "It's been a rather long weekend." Too long. I hated it. Normally weekends brought a kid joy, but now...

Now they were only going chaos.

Chat Noir nodded, as if he knew all too well. "Yeah..." He trailed off with a sigh. He leaned agains the wall of the chimney, looking up at the sky. It was starting to get dark - which meant I should be heading home soon. There wasn't an Akuma today thankfully, though I knew there would be double the Akumas tomorrow. That was usually how it happened. "Hopefully things change for the better in your civilian life," he smiled at me, that kind of smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

Swallowing thickly I gave him a beaming smile. "You too. I should go home though, I still have homework to do..." I trailed off with a wince. I'd been neglecting some of my work, though I always turned it in on time. Maybe at the final stretch, but still turned in nonetheless.

Groaning at the mention of homework, he sighed - standing up. "Me too," he reached his hand out to me and I took it, allowing him to pull me up. "Same place tomorrow?" He asked with a wink and I had to fight not to blush. You'd think I'd be used to his blatant flirting by now.

"Sure," I smiled at him, saluting. With that he leaped off the building, leaving me alone once again. Looking out at the horizon I sighed, wondering what it would be like to be a completely different person before heading towards my house.

Back to where nightmares were made.

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