Chapter 27 - Wonderings of a Mad Woman aka Nebula

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"Yo dude, sorry about my brother." Nino apologized when they came back, tugging Chris behind him. "He's usually not like this." He tugged Chris in front of him who looked a bit sheepish, though he didn't exactly look sorry to me. Just sad about the fact he got caught, and was being called out on it by someone not by his mother. "Tell Luka you're sorry, Chris, before we go home." He stated softly, though there was a sternness in his voice I've never heard from Nino before.

Chris Lahiffe was silent for a moment, oofing when Nino pushed him gently. "I'm sorry for causing trouble..." He grumbled out, though he looked genuine enough. "I just wanted to play..." He trailed off sheepishly, making Luka smile softly.

"It's fine," Luka waved his hand dismissively, Marinette standing beside him with a beaming smile on her face. "For what it's worth, you're an amazing dancer." He praised - which perked the kid up immensely. I smiled softly at the sight, knowing Luka was trying to prevent the kid from feeling bad ruining their rehearsal. "And maybe when we're not practicing for a big event you can play with us, how does that sound?" The blue-haired musician leaned down to ruffle Chris' head, making the kid giggle.

"Okay!" He immediately grinned up at the boy. I sighed a breath of relief as I leaned into Adrien, who wrapped an arm around me. I was so glad that I wouldn't have to fight this kid. Though I knew we probably weren't out of the doghouse yet.

"You're good with kids," I commented when Chris was led away by his brother. Something about his mom wanting them home before the sunset - though I had a feeling he wanted to get Chris away from the ship before he caused even more of a ruckus.

Luka blushed at that, giving me a genuine smile. "I just hate seeing anyone upset," the boy shrugged, "I'd like to give anyone the opportunity to see their music potential. Chris had spunk, I'll give him that." He laughed, his sparkling. "Plus I would like to avoid an akuma if we can help it," he added as an afterthought, and I nodded my head. That was a smart move on his part. I really didn't want to fight Chris Lahiffe if I could help it as well. The kid was too cute to become akumatised.

"Luka's always been that way," Juleka commented as she came over to the group, Rose not too far behind. "I always told him he'd make a good father," she smirked over at her brother who was giving her a look. Marinette, who was standing beside him, blushed at that comment and I grinned - knowing what Juleka was trying to do. Even if we were still kids ourselves, it was nice to think of our possible futures one day.

I wondered if I would have that family with Adrien at some point, though I also knew we were still pretty new in our relationship. While we were incredibly close, and it felt like we've been together longer than a few weeks - almost a month, it was still surreal.

We listened to them rehearse some more. It was nice, just relaxing to some music. Music that my friends were making as well - one of a kind music you couldn't hear anywhere else. I knew that this band was going to go to big places, I could just feel it within my heart.

When it was time to leave Adrien and I left together. Hand in hand we walked the sidewalks of Paris, just enjoying each other's company. "You know, I've thought of it too," Adrien stated randomly as we were growing closer to my place.

Blinking, I looked up at the blond, who was giving me a fond look. "Thought of what?" I asked cluelessly, tilting my head to the side.

Adrien chuckled at me, letting go of my hand and placing an arm around my waist. I hummed, wrapping my arms around his middle as we continued to walk. "Marrying you when we get older. Having kids. A future together," he rambled and my eyes widened at that. "It would be nice, you know. If I was ever a father I'd make sure our children would have the best childhood and not the childhood we grew up with." That was a nice notion. I smiled softly at that thought as I snuggled deeper into his side.

"Maybe one day we'll have that," I agreed, beaming when his entire face lit up at the possibility. "We're still kids ourselves though, so it would probably be a while." I commented off-handedly, feeling Adrien nod. "And we already have Gulla and Plagg, who are children enough." I snickered at my comment - earning a huff from Adrien's pocket.

"I'm not a child!" Plagg popped his head out and gave me a glare. "I'll have you know I am a million years old!"

"Who still acts like he's two," Gulla commented off handedly from my purse. Plagg huffed again, pouting and I chuckled at the interaction between the two Kwamis. It was still surreal to me that Adrien was Chat Noir. It could have been anyone else in Paris. The fact that it turned out to be someone I already knew and was starting to fall for - both in and out of the mask...

Well that was something magical.

Adrien gave me a soft smile when he saw my far-away look, bumping my hip with his. "Hey, I'm glad you're Nebula. And that you gave me a chance." I blinked at that, looking up at him in wonder.

"Why wouldn't I give you a chance?" I wondered with a frown.

"A part of me thought you wouldn't," he chuckled faintly with a sheepish look. "We're soulmates, so obviously you were the one for me." He grinned at me lopsidedly and I laughed. I loved seeing this side of him. He was able to act how he wanted, without his fathers influence. Outside of the mask. It was such a lovely thing to see. Even when we were just with friends he toned it down a lot, not wanting them to get suspicious or maybe one of them telling Gabriel - which they never would. Not in a million years. Though I understood where Adrien was coming from.

We were the same, but the difference was I didn't care what my mother thought of me. As long as I was align with what she thought was right anything else was free for all.

Though a part of me did wonder what life would have been like if my father had stayed with us. Often I wondered why he left. Why he couldn't have taken me with him, instead of leaving me in hell with my over-controlling mother.

Though life was always surprising. Always leaving me wondering, waiting on the next what-ifs.

AN: Okay, so this is the last of my chapters that I have back-logged. I post as I write a chapter, and I am working on the next arc (season 4) trying to get the conflict going for it. Season 3 might end in a few chapters, I have an idea for the next chapter I just have to start writing it. 

That means I cannot keep up with the Wednesday x Friday updates, I am terribly sorry. I am going to force myself to work on chapter 28 soon though, mark my words it'll get done!! Thank you guys so so much for enjoying this story, I am so beyond excited to have reached 1k reads like holy shit. I was not expecting that at all! <3 Love you guys so much, this story was started on a whim cause I wanted to create Gulla and now we're almost at season 4 and hopefully the finale - though we'll see what happens with that. 

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