Seventeen \\ Getting Bored

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Seventeen \\

Trigger warning , please be safe guys.

A gasp pierced the night, a panicked breath causing a cloud of cold air.

Koda lurched upwards, her head throbbing. Her heart was sped up, it the only sound for miles. She couldn't catch her breath, her eyes lighting up mint in her distress.

Her senses lit up her surroundings in a shallow light, clanking metal and concrete floors being all she could see.


Koda winced, the voice echoing. Her own voice was chalky, unused for hours. "Where am I?" Her head lolled, something restricting her movement. "Who are you?" A cough unsettled her throat, a sudden movement causing a larger rattle. "What is this?"

She knew, ultimately, that she was chained up.

"So many questions." It was a feminine voice, flecked with cruelty. "But all boring ones."

"Do you want me to ask what color underwear you're wearing?" Koda sarcastically asked, a taste of metal in her mouth. "Or are you one of those people who goes commando?"

The woman only laughed, "Aren't you just as witty as your father."

"I'm nothing like him," Koda retorted, mildly offended as she scuffed her shoe along the dusty ground. She was suspended just enough to keep her feet on the floor.

"You've both killed people. Killed family." She was out of view but her voice was as clear as a bell. "To me, that makes you similar, and in the worst way."

"And who are you?" Dakoda felt like she'd been crying, the way your face stiffened after, but she soon realized it was blood. Her blood.

"You should know by now."

"Assassin?" Koda wanted to know why she was caked in blood; the injuries had all healed before she'd woken up.

The voice pondered the idea, "Close, but not quite."

Dakoda steadied her head, looking forward as one light came on directly after. It didn't completely illuminate the room, but she made out a shadowy figure across from her.

But she already knew who it was.

Koda spat, it red as it hit the ground. "Allison."

Footsteps echoed, light pouring on the pale face of a fallen warrior. "I thought we should finally meet in person."

"Can it be called that for you?" Koda asked, evaluating the hunter's all black attire, her hair dark brown and collarbone length. "Y'know being a ghost and all."

"You're a theoretical ghost. Hiding from Feds off the radar." Allison came closer to Dakoda, combat boots echoing and an archery grip on her hand. "I think that counts for something."

"But you're dead."

"Everyone in this town might as well be dead, Koda. That's what this place does." Allison stopped a few feet from the wolf. "Everyone will die in this place, even you."

"You seem to be trying to speed up the pace though, don't you?" Koda could tell it was late, and despite the situation she was in, she was worried about Brett.

"If I wanted to kill you before, you would be dead already. None of those were meant to end your life. Antagonize, yes. Let you know I was here, of course. But no, not kill."

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