Twenty-One \\ Payment Denied

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Twenty-One \\

"They're coming."

Dakoda growled lowly at Chris' words, immediately herding her pack behind those of them who could fight. She exchanged a look with Derek, followed by Scott and Kira.

Two canisters came flying in, rings missing.

"Get back!" Koda shouted, ducking slightly as the can sparked and tunneled out gas to create a haze.

Gunfire started littering off as Koda reached for the gun in her jeans. Immediately she fired off at the first figure she saw, dodging bullets as she did so.

They wore military style gear, armed with protective measures and machine guns. Their numbers grew, more and more filtering in with high hopes of money.

Brett ducked through a broken panel, rolling under an old desk for protection.

Chris guarded Satomi, firing off his own gun at expert precision.

Derek spotted Koda, each shooting one round off before changing targets.

The whole scene was horrible and beautiful at the same time.

Barbaric yet graceful.

Dakoda didn't feel an ounce of hesitation as she lept up onto a desk and flipped over one of the shooters. Slamming the now empty pistol into their neck, she pulled on their shoulders and slammed a knee into their back.

It was too easy. She was stronger.

Her eyes burned in their wolf state as she took on another opponent. A bullet skimmed her arm as she grabbed the gun head on and bent it straight up.

The man stopped, tossing the gun to the side quickly and immediately throwing a punch.

Dakoda caught his fist, bending it back into an unruly shape before rotating and slamming her boot into his throat.

"Koda!" Kira hit the ground, her katana rattling over in Dakoda's direction.

Dakoda quickly grabbed the sword, tossing it back to the kitsune.

Kira reigned back her power, slashing through a foggy sheet, a shooter coming after her. She kicked him in the chest, tossing him into old shelves. She ran, Scott not too far away winning his own fight.

Satomi and Chris tag teamed, Argent ridding bullets and Satomi launching her weapon into the neck of an assassin.

Dakoda pocketed a pistol off of the table, jumping over it and running into the crossfire. She hit with Derek, the two going back to back.

Derek's ears were ringing as he struggled to hear. "How many are there?" he shouted, firing off at those who drew closer.

"Too many!" Koda took out two assassins in three shots. Dropping the gun, she left Derek and full on jumped onto a shooter, his neck hitting the edge of a metal desk.

The fire surged, no sign of stopping.

Koda saw Brett, herself in a half shifted state. She took on two bullets as she ran to him. "You need to get the others out! Tell them to hide."

Brett nodded, jogging off out of the line of fire.

All Koda wanted was for him to be safe.

In the distance Scott shouted for Kira, worried she was dead.

Blood littered Dakoda's arms, bullets coming from her wounds as she flexed. Howling, her skin healed as she rolled under a shooter and tripped him. She climbed ontop of him, ripping off his helmet. "Payment denied," she whispered, punching him dead center in the face.

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