Twenty-Three \\ Fancy Kraft Dinner

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Twenty-Three \\

Koda made herself at home within Stella's, residing in a back booth with the biggest possible latte she could order off the menu.

The air was sweet, laced with scents of the Colombian coffee beans they used. Noise was limited, even to Koda, as only quiet couples occupied the shop.

Dakoda sifted through her small stack of papers, going for one thats title actually seemed realistic. The whole search seemed to be turning up a lot of nothing.

Her eyes scanned a page from what she assumed to be a cult website, strange symbols in the margins.

"Something about this town or weirder?"

Koda glanced up, Sheriff Stilinski sliding into the booth opposite of her in jeans and a navy sweater. "Weirder, if you can believe that." Putting the papers to the side, she gave her attention to the Sheriff. "So, no wires, right?"

Sheriff laughed, "No no wires or mics hidden anywhere. We each had terms, I respect them."

"I appreciate that," she said. "I really do." Once taking in a breath with slight nervousness, Koda thumbed the rim of her coffee lid. "So, what's your first question, Sheriff?"

If she was going to do it, she was going to commit to it.

Stilinski had an idea of where to start, "Did you kill your stepfather six years ago?"


For some reason, he expected her to say no. "Why?"

"Ever since my mother died he liked abusing us. We healed of course, but half the time that only encouraged him to do worse. We were under the radar because my father was looking for us and I didn't want to wolf out my stepfather. I'd taught Brett not to as well."

"How long did that go on for?" Stilinski felt it hit his heart, trying to fit into her shoes.

"Maybe, two years. That's how long we lived in Easton for after our mother died."

"Easton was the town in Rhode Island, right?"

Koda nodded, "Also where I met Derek."

Sheriff Stilinski slightly furrowed his eyebrows, "You know Derek?"

A soft smile came across her, "I guess, yeah. High school sweethearts, you could say. Until the night Brett and I fled we were. This month was the first time I'd seen him since we were seventeen."

"Wow," he nodded, lightly smiling as well. "Are you two back together?"

"We are," Koda replied, "and I couldn't be more thankful."

"And the night you, uh, your stepfather," he shortened his words as a woman walked past. "What made you act out then? Two years and you chose that one night. Why?"

"He, uh," Koda found it harder to say, "abused me...sexually."

The Sheriff chilled, "Oh, my God. Dakoda, you could've filed it as self defense."

"It wasn't right away, though." Koda thought it would change the game. "It was a day after. He'd drugged me with wolfsbane so I was knocked out. It was the next night when I attacked him."

"Did you mean to kill him?"

"If I said no i'd be lying," she replied. "I hated him. More for him beating Brett than anything. He was only eleven."

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