Twenty \\ Certain Sensors

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Twenty \\

As the Talbot siblings embraced, everyone in the room felt like they could breathe again.

Kira took Scott's hand, smiling in relief. "She's okay."

But Scott could see a difference in Dakoda as she finally released Brett and was set to the ground.

He couldn't help but wonder if she actually was okay.

Brett's eyes flashed on concern, touching the dried blood on her face. "What happened to you?"

"It's a long story." Koda took notice that the others were there, "What the hell are you guys doing out of Devenford?"

Brett couldn't help himself when he replied, "It's a long story."

"Hey Koda, I can help you clean up if you like," Kira offered as she let go of Scott and walked forward as both Brett and Koda did.

"That would be great, thanks." Koda squeezed her brother's hand before parting and going off with the kitsune. "I probably look like a wreck."

"Just fighting wear and tear," Kira said, getting a soft smile.

"If that's what you call it," Dakoda remarked, going into the bathroom that held three stalls and two sinks.

"I'll go grab some stuff in my car. I'll be right back," Kira told her in the doorframe, leaving when she received a nod.

The door shut louder than Koda thought it would, causing her to close her eyes. Her hands gripped the edge of the sink, her breath taming itself. She forced herself out of her anxiety, looking into the mirror.

Blood stained her neck and danced across her facial features. It pooled in the neck of her shirt and tinted her chest. Her jeans were torn and bloodied from her legs being broken.

"She could've been nicer about it," Koda mumbled, yanking down paper towels that had been left over when the Argent Arms business moved. Turning on the faucet, the water came out yellow before turning back to its normal state. Soaking the towels, she began with cleaning her face.

Kira returned with her backpack, unzipping it. "Okay, so you seem my size so it shouldn't be a problem." Looking up, she again seemed a little startled by the amount of blood on Koda. "Are you still hurt?"

"No, it all healed. It's just dried blood." Koda tossed a dirty paper towel into the trash can void of a bag.

"Koda...what happened?" Kira swallowed, setting her bag at her feet.

"It's, um, i'm not quite sure words can explain it." Koda dampened another towel, going for her neck. It felt strange touching it, knowing an arrow had gone through it.

Kira pulled out a navy vneck top with long sleeves, waiting as Dakoda took care of the blood. She finally held it out to her, "Here."

Dakoda stripped off the bloody shirt, leaving it in the second sink that was dry and pulled on Kira's shirt. "Thank you for your help, Kira. It's really nice of you."

"It's no problem. Anything I can do to help." She crouched, rifling through her backpack. "Are you by chance a size 3? My hips are kind of small. If not I have shorts I use to run in."

"The jeans should be fine. I can squeeze for the time being." Koda took them from her, peeling out of her own when Kira turned to give her privacy. "How long has my pack been with you?"

"I found them late last night. They were trying to get out and were hoping you'd be here. Brett and the little one got separated and a crew of hunters with crossbows attacked. I got them out before anything worse could happen. We've been here since first light this morning."

Deadpool \\ Derek Hale [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz