Chapter 7: Market Square

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Chapter 7: Market Square

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." For the first time, I was irritated by the second message. But afterwards I opened my messenger and realized who had actually written to me.


There were two people in my life who didn't use emojis, but smileys. Except I was so desperate for a hint of Jake I blocked all other eventualities aside.

" Thanks.", I replied, attempting to reassemble my broken heart. This morning I had been contemplating a fleeting affair with Mr Aurora. Now I felt so alone and abandoned all over again. The worst part was although I realised I would be cheating on my boyfriend if I did this, but I couldn't quite dismiss the thought. Instead, I hoped my moral compass would guide me in the right direction. Instead of letting emptiness and loneliness take over.

I noticed Phil's van turning into the parking area. In one leap I stood on my feet and made my way to the parked vehicle. I wondered why Phil was getting out. Then I saw him light a cigarette. "Would you like one?", Phil asked me as he noticed my gaze. I shook my head.

"No, thanks. I don't smoke."

" Better be," Phil grinned at me. "It's just an expensive nasty habit."

I watched him as he took a drag on his cigarette and exhaled the smoke anew. I bit my lower lip.


Why was Phil so attractive!

This stupid habit definitively added extra points to his score.

No, I wasn't allowed...

I had Jake!

Kind of...

More like maybe...


If he decided to come back to me after all...

I noticed Phil's gaze.

His mischievous grin...

He knew exactly what I was thinking.

Automatically my cheeks blushed.

Once again...


Hearing his naughty giggle made my situation even more miserable. Phil flicked the filter of his cigarette onto the ground. With his right black Converse chuck, he stamped out the embers.

" Would you like to get a bite to eat?" he asked me. My empty stomach convinced my head to nod.

"Perfect," Phil's voice had a wicked note to it.

Well, or maybe that's how I wanted to hear it...

I didn't really know how to describe what it was like. I didn't want to be with anyone else besides Jake. Somehow, though, my ego needed the attention of a man right now. Perhaps that's why my brain was twisting facts.

My eyes watched the track we were passing with a blurry gaze. Desperately, I tried to sort out my chaotic thoughts. Or rather, I searched for clues that I was imagining his flirtations.

The easiest way to ban my thoughts of escape from loneliness. But Phil didn't help me to create this illusion very easily. Just like this morning, his hand rested on my thigh. Even before I could plausibly assure myself he had placed his hand there just to reassure me.

How was I supposed to resist temptation if it actually existed?

I hated myself for that thought. Things didn't get any better even when he paid for my burrito with the words that a beautiful woman shouldn't have to pay for her meal in the accompaniment of a man. Even the fact that we were walking through the small town centre with our food wasn't helpful at all.

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