Chapter 12: The emerald bracelet

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"Take me to Grimrock"


At least if Phil understood me, as he claimed, then he had to do me this favour. Which is why his heavy sigh irritated me.

"Phil, please!" I begged, staring at him piercingly. But he avoided my gaze. Instead, he gazed thoughtfully into the darkness.

"Please, I have to go there," was my next attempt to convince him.

"I see" he said in a strangely calm tone.

" Well, Let's go." My euphoria quickly awoke.

"No", with this harsh word I got brought back down to earth.

"Why?" I had tears in my eyes once again.

"It's the middle of the night. You're drunk." As Phil spoke, he glanced at my feet. "And you're not even wearing shoes."

"I don't care"

"But I care!"

"Phil," I said reproachfully, "I thought you would understand me."

"I do!"

" Why wouldn't you help me if you did?"

Phil snorted. "It's far too dangerous!"

"Because it's night?" My euphoria had returned. "Then let's go tomorrow!"

"[MC]..." Phil exhaled sadly.


" Even in daylight, it's too dangerous..."

" I have to take the risk." My counterpart remained silent.

"Phil," I pleaded.

I heard him sigh heavily: "The mines are in serious danger of collapsing."

" It's fine if you drop me off there. I'll go in on my own."

"That's not the point!" Phil's voice had changed to a more serious tone.

I snorted angrily. Phil's opinion didn't change: "Something could happen to you! And as much as I understand your motives, I can't do you this favour. I'm sorry."

" What happens to me, it's none of your business!" I shouted my despair at him.

" It's not," he said calmly. "Look at the whole thing from my point of view. I've already lost one, actually two, people who were important to me. So I'm just supposed to stand by and watch you run to your destruction?"

He made a short speaking pause. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to say anything. "And then for what? Just to give you a trauma so that, in the worst case, you're the one who finds your boyfriend's dead body?"

"Maybe..." was the only word I could get out through my tears.

Phil smiled gently. "He certainly couldn't have survived two months down there without food."

His words cut off my breath.

"I'm sorry. I can understand you wanting to find him. But it's too dangerous at Grimrock, and especially in the mines. And that's for an answer you don't actually want."

My eyes couldn't stop crying. Gently, Phil pats my back.

" Not that I wouldn't want to help you. But I can't support the fact that you're putting yourself in senseless danger. I'm sure your boyfriend would agree with me."

A slight smile formed at one side of my mouth. Jake would agree. After all, he was always eager to protect me. Having to agree with Phil's statement, however, was something Jake could barely tolerate without grumbling.

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