Chapter Four

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There were a few pot holes the team had hit on the way to Dublin. Everyone was focusing out the windows, as they were witnessing the world ending before their eyes. Staring at the infected as they wobbled around, barely making an effort to use their unknown strength.

Maria noticed there was a small child outside sobbing away, she seemed to be safe on top of a car. But for how much longer? There was no way she could ignore a child. "Stop the car!" She yelled. Lee looked at her puzzled, as he wasn't sure for the sudden outburst from Maria. "What's the matter?" Lee rose a brow, wondering what was wrong. "There's a little child out there, we need to save her." Lee frowned as he looked away from Maria. "You know the protocol is to get Dr. Jung. Not help the citizens." Lee said. "I don't care! It's a damn child for crying out loud!" Maria glared at the man who was in charge of driving. She took her hand on the door handle and opened it up while the Jeep was still moving. Until it came to an utter stop.

"What the hell Maria!" Lee yelled out to his teammate. Bert just shook his head. "We need to part ways here anyways. Seeing there's no other way to pass the bridge." He pointed for Lee to look at. Which indeed the bridge was destroyed. There was no other way to get around at all, which Lee hasn't thought about what to do in this sort of situation. Bert stood up and got out of the jeep along with Leon

"Lee, check for any other survivors, if we're going to save one at least show an effort for others too right?" Bert explained while watching Maira check the child for any bite marks. "Does the child check out?" Maira looked over at Bert as she nodded. "There's no sign of injuries, I don't think the child speaks English either." Maira shouted while looking back at the child. "Don't worry, we'll make sure to find your family." She tried to attempt at sign language to show the child everything was alright. Which the child seem to understand a little bit, despite the language barrier.

Leon looked away as he checked out the bridge. The entire thing was taken out, so there was no way getting over unless they walked along side it. But they would be taking a huge risk of missing a step. The only part still attached was the side rails that had barely any concrete left. "Find anything Kennedy?" Leon studied the plan in his head before heading back over to the group.

"We can cross it but we'd have to walk from now on. Is that something your team is okay with? If so, find any other people who are alive and take them back to base with the Jeep, since we won't be needing it anymore." Leon explained his idea as Bert seemed to be okay with it. "Sounds like a good idea, considering none of his have any better ideas. Alright! My team can suck it up, that's why they joined anyways didn't they? To face challenges."

Bert came off as a very assured person who knew what he was doing, but if he kept using his brains like that. It would lead him to death sooner. Leon didn't say a word to him as he decided to head off and find any other survivors.

A half an hour later they found a few people who were pretty stabled. They couldn't search the whole area since they can't afford wasting ammunition. "Is that everyone?" Bert looked at the small group of people who sat in the back of the Jeep. They were to scared to even talk, but one of them at least gave a slight head nod in reply. "Great then! Lee make sure they get back safely!" Lee just rolled his eyes at Bert. You could tell he didn't understand either why Bert was so easy going on this situation.
"Once I drop them off, I'll come find you guys with a chopper." Lee explained as he closed the driver door.
Bert just nodded as he waved him off.

"I'm sure they'll get back safely." He assured his team while watching the Jeep disappear into the dark. Yet little light source from the fire helped them see a little.

"So what's the Plan?" Maria asked as she came up to Bert and Leon. He had explained what Leon suggested and she didn't seem to mind the idea of it. Which shocked Leon a little seeing how most people who never came across this line of work; often are terrified. But not these two.. It was like they were ready to die saving the world from harm.

Once they got over the bridge, Maira walked up to Leon. "Since Lee isn't with us I can tag along with you." She offered while they walked down the road. "I don't need anyone slowing me down." Leon responded as he kept his eyes pealed open for any danger. "Don't worry! I'm really quick at things!" Leon stopped to look at her, "With all do respect, you should stick with your partner." He explained.

"Maira he can handle himself, after all. He's a special agent for a reason." Bert spoke up. He was annoyed with Maira trying to make friends with Leon.

"Do you have a wife or kids yet?" Maira had a smile on her face as she glanced over at Bert. "No." He replied. "Are you serious?! Why not?" It seemed she hasn't been working as a solider for long enough to know that there was no time to raise a family. "Settling down isn't my scene." He explained while stoping.

There was a bright light coming from the sky. But it was hard to make out what it was until it got closer.

It was an airline caught on fire, which was about to crash where they were standing. Maria tilted her head as she walked a little further than Leon as she was trying to get a better look for herself. That's when her eyes widened in terror.

"Run!!" Leon yelled as they all dashed off as far as they could to safety from the crash.


Y/n walked down the deserted street that lead to know where. "I can't even read this thing without proper lighting." She complained while sitting down on a bench. The street lights were barely helping at all and some started to burst. There were some parts of the journal she couldn't read earlier due to how lightly her father wrote.

She heaved out a long sigh. Wondering if things would get any worse than it already was. That's when she heard a loud crash. Her eyes shooting up to see a bright beam of light coming across the lake.

What was that?!

"Oh no!" She clasped her hands over her mouth as tears slipped from her eyes. Realizing what exactly had crashed.

Those poor people!

However, she didn't have time to think about what just happened as she heard shuffling from behind her.

Moaning sounds were starting to get closer as she spun around on her heel.


She had forgotten the noice had attracted these bastards. There was know where to run, as all the directions were just monsters coming from all over the place. Even the buildings that were close by, was infested with them!

"Hey! Over here quickly!" A woman's voice called out as Y/n spun around to look over at the docks to see a woman in a red button up shirt and pencil skirt. "Hurry up unless you want to be dinner!" She hollered again as Y/n snapped back to reality and ran towards the docks. Just why was there a random woman here and no one else? She wasn't even covered in any blood or dirt.

Spotting a boat in view as the woman grabbed onto Y/ns wrist and yanked her onto the boat. Starting it up and blasting out of that area. Y/n looked back to see some of the monsters just falling off the docks into the water.

"Thank you." Y/n looked over at the woman who smiled. "Anytime. I couldn't just watch someone die when they have a chance to live. So what's your name?" She asked while staying focus as she drove the boat. It seemed she was heading towards where the crash just happened; but why?

"My names Y/n, and you?" She introduced herself, as she admired the woman's beauty from behind.

"Ada Wong." She replied with a smile, as if she was proud of her name.

"It's nice to meet you Ada." Y/n smiled as she glanced back over at the docks she just came from.

"Why are we heading towards the plane crash if I may ask? It just seems those things are attracted to loud sounds." Y/n asked as Ada didn't say anything. Which she found strange that her question was ignored.

"I'm dropping you off there." She replied finally, but not answering her question still.

"What? Are you crazy?! That place has to be crawling with those things by now!" Y/n was confused to why this woman would save her to only give her off to the dead later. Was she only saved to be this woman's bait?!

"Relax, you'll be safer there anyways." Ada assured. "Besides isn't that where you're heading?" She had mumbled the last part so Y/n couldn't make out what Ada had said.
However, Y/n did hear the last part. She just didn't add to it as she was now suspicious of Ada.

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