Chapter Nine

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Y/n handed over the Journal to Leon, as he took it and opened it up.

Leon looked over the journal while starting to walk. It seemed her father use to work in the same place as Dr.Jung, however he didn't agree with the companies plan. So he left the company after his wife gave birth to Y/n, wanting to protect her from being a test subject.
Leon wasn't someone who can be fooled easily, so it wasn't hard to connect everything and figure out who the woman was in the photo. He closed the journal and handed it back to her. "Your father seemed to want to stop Dr.Jung from testing on people with the virus, but it seemed no one wanted to help take Dr.Jung down with him." Leon tried to make sense out of the information he got, while also wondering what to do with it.

Y/n stared at him before putting the journal away. She was relieved he didn't question her parents. "Once we're there, I think it's best for you to stay away from Dr.Jung. Your father did a great deal of keeping you away from him. There has to be a reason for that to-"

"I'm not going to just sit back! You're not in control of me last I checked! So I'm going to help, like it or not!" She glared at him while pushing past him.
Only to jump back when a tentacle came smashing down from the ceiling. Water flowing down from the hole.

Leon rushed over while helping Y/n up from the floor. "We're under the" Y/n mumbled while Leon kept his eyes on the tentacle. Had it found them already? He could of sworn they were far away enough.

"We aren't under the sewers anymore, it must have created its own path to us." He explained. "As for where the water is coming from, it might be the pipes." He added.

They weren't near the sewers anymore but were in a place that resembled it almost but it was the boiler room they were in. After they leave the boiler room, they should be able to make it to the surface and escape from this thing.

There was some sort of purple substance dripped from the thorns.
"Be careful that it doesn't hit you, I think that's poison dripping from its tentacles." Leon pulled Y/n behind him as he examined the situation. They couldn't get past it, since the squid was blocking their pathway to escape out of here.
Before Leon could even find another way out, the room started rumbling as he noticed the floor beneath them was starting to crack.


"Leon!" She pushed him out of the way as he hit the floor. He grunted in pain from the impact, slowly sitting up to see Y/n's leg was caught by another tentacle. Leon was distracted from trying to come up with a plan that he completely wasn't prepared for an attack.

There was a sink hole now in the floor, one they needed to avoid. It seems the squid had fallen through though. "L-leon." Y/n was scared to move, she didn't want to be pulled down the hole. She remembered the handgun as she went to grab for it but the Squid had yanked her leg, causing her to be dragged on the floor, slowly nearing the large gaping hole. Leon reacted quickly as he ran towards her, grabbing her hand.

"What are you doing! Just leave and g-"

"I'm not letting you die!" He glared while taking his handgun and shooting at the tentacle that was clingy to Y/n.

Loud screeching echoed throughout the room. Once it let go of Y/n's leg. Leon pulled her close as the rest of the floor began to shake and slowly crumbling.

Leon wrapped his arms around her, trying to focus on protecting her head.


Y/n opened her eyes slowly after minutes of being passed out, only to see she was looking up from the small hole she fell from. Had she fallen that far down? She tried to move, but there was something heavy weighing on her.
Her brain was still in shock to register everything, but slowly she begun to realize that where wasn't an object on her. It was Leon, she forgot he was protecting her from getting badly injured.

He was a really decent guy, his actions made her heart flutter. His head resting on her stomach, which it seemed he hasn't regained his consciousness yet.

A-am I really starting to have feelings during a time like this?!? What the hell is wrong with me!?

Leon started to move around, small grunts escaping from him as he managed to fully push himself. Hovering over Y/n, as his eyes were still trying to register everything.

"Leon?" Y/n wondered if he had hit his head, since he wasn't able to protect himself from the fall. A small smile formed as he looked into her eyes.

She's worried...

"Leon, are you okay?" She asked, already feeling her face heat up from just seeing him smile. "I'm alright; Glad to see you're alright too. Though....why is your face red again?" He obviously knew why her face was red this time around. That's when Y/n shoved him up, making the male tumble over onto his back.

"I really feel sorry for your future husband." He mumbled while clutching onto his side. "I feel bad for your girlfriend." She slapped his stomach really hard causing him to wince in pain. "S-sorry!" She panicked as he sat up. "It's alright." But something told her he want alright. There was sweat on his forehead, which made her wonder...

Y/n lifted his shirt up, startling him in the process. "If you wanted to see me shirtless, you could of picked a better place." He joked, but she just glared at him in return. "It got you...during the fall." Leon stared at her, sort of not use to this kind of treatment from someone.
"I'll be fine, at least until we can find Dr.Jung." Leon tried forcing her hand away, but she resisted. "At least let me wrap something around it, to stop anything from getting inside of it."

Leon rose a brow, watching her pull off her shirt. Quickly looking away, as he did not expect that at all. "Relax, I have a tank top underneath. In case I ever ran into a situation where I got hurt and didn't have any bandages." Y/n found it sort of funny, seeing him turn away so quickly. Leon glanced back at her, seeing she was indeed wearing another piece of clothing underneath. "Hold your shirt up please." He nodded, doing as told while watching her tear the fabric apart to wrap it around him.

Apart of him wasn't sure why he just took orders from her, this kind of injury was nothing compared to all the other injuries he's gotten. Once she finished wrapping it, he pulled his shirt down and slowly stood up. Offering his hand out to her, as she accepted.

"Thanks." She said while he nodded in reply.
Leon pulled out his flashlight, since there was barely any light source at all. They also didn't seem to be in the broiler room anymore, but underground.

"Where did the Squid go?" Y/n asked while glancing around. Leon wasn't sure either, there was no sign of it.

"Pull out that map and see if there's still a way to tell where we are location is." Even though Leon was pretty sure he could find a way for them without a map.

"About that..." y/n held up her wrist, showing the watch was cracked all across the screen. He stared at her blankly before looking away. "That's fine, we can find our way around without it." He said while getting his handgun out.
"Just keep your eyes open for anything. Especially for the squid, it could be anywhere." He added. "Alright." She mumbled while sticking close to his side. Knowing it wouldn't be best to walk ahead right now.

It wasn't even an hour yet since they had been down there, and Leon seem to be not doing so good. "Hey, are you sure you're okay?" Y/n rose a brow as Leon glanced at her. "I'm fine." He was lying.

His face was covered in sweat again, but seemed to produce more. "Don't take me for some armature now. I may not be skilled or exactly brave, but I know you're not okay." She glared at him as she was about to walk away only to feel his hand wrap around her wrist.

"I don't view you in that way at all, but if anything does happen. I need-" Y/n pulled her hand away. "Don't ever dare say what you're about to say! Nothing is going to happen, we'll find Dr.Jung and force him to give us an antidote. I'm not going to be stuck saving the world alone." Leon smirked as he liked her willingness to not give up on others until she could find a way to save them.

"Can't argue with my hero, so make sure you protect me then." He leaned closer to her face, seeing her cheeks dusted with pink.

"Let's move." He ordered, starting to walk ahead only for her to slowly follow behind.

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