Chapter Eleven

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The Three Stones

"It's like mole rats came down here and did a fancy job." Y/n mentioned while they had finally made it out of the main cave area they had fell into.
Standing there as they both gazed at a bridge that connected to the other side. Under it was pointed rocks, with water covering the bottom floor. Clearly it had to be steep seeing how you couldn't see the bottom at all, just the spikes and the sound of water dripping below.

"I think this is actually just an underground mine, but probably abandoned a long time ago." Leon spoke up as he pointed over at the wall where a sign was hanging. Anyone could have walked passed it and missed it.

"Hazard Zone." The sign was covered in blood.
Which really put the meaning into the sign for sure.

"So this is where they tested out those monsters maybe?" Y/n questioned while staring over the ledge that protected anyone from falling.
"By the looks of it, yes." He replied, noticing three large gates that were built into the walls. Where water war flowing through it, which made it appear pleasing to the eye.

"Leon look!" Y/n pointed over towards a door while leaving him behind to investigate it.

There she goes again...running ahead.

She tried pushing it open in a hurry to get out of this place. Not wanting to deal with anymore shit. "Ahem.." Leon cleared his throats while Y/n looked where he was pointing.

"Oh.." She didn't realize there was a puzzle on the door. It wasn't a normal lock, like it should of been. Whoever designed this, sure wanted to make things difficult. Y/n noticed Leon pulling something out of his pocket. "What's that?" He looked at the stone closely before replying to her. "It's apart of a key for this door."
Leon brought the stone over to the spot it fitted into.

"Don't tell me we have to find three more?" She knitted her brows together as he glanced at her with a blank expression. "What choice do we have? Stay down here and die?" He replied before walking away from the door. Looking around for any clues or ideas where the other three stones could be hiding in this place.

Y/n heaved out a long sigh, she really didn't like this whole thing. Leon never seemed fazed by any of this at all, not even one complaint out of him.
Eventually, she took notice of a lever that was connected to the wall; why they hadn't seen it in the first place, was because of the location. "Leon there's a lever." Y/n called him over.

"I'm not that damn tell to reach it." He stared at her as the lever was to high up for anyone to reach it. It must have been built that high in case someone were to open it by mistake. Though easily any object in this place they could have used it as a step to pull it.

"Here." He mumbled while crouching down. "What are you suggesting?" She asked him as he glanced at her. "Isn't obvious?"

She was tempted to kick his ass, but since he was already hurt from protecting her. Y/n couldn't, though after this whole mess she would.

Letting out another sigh, she got on top of his shoulders, not liking the idea of this. "D-don't drop me!" She glared while Leon rolled his eyes. "I won't, unless you want me to?" He joked as he winced when she hit him on top of his head, but not hard enough to actually cause him pain.

"Just pull the damn thing already." He said annoyingly.

Y/n nodded her head while reaching up to the lever. Taking both of her hands around it as she used all her strength to pull it down. It may have seemed easy, but the lever was rusted and in a bad state.
Once she pulled it down, Leon crouched to let her off his shoulders.

The sound of a gate rumbling open caught their attention as they headed back towards the bridge to see the left door was now open for them.

"There's a ladder on the side, just we'd need to be careful sine it could break." Leon stated while heading over towards it. Y/n following him behind as he decided he'd go down first to ensure it was safe. Luckily the ladder was sturdy enough to support his weight.

"How's it look down there?" She asked while staring at him. Leon pulled his gun out to ensure there was nothing before she joined me him. Once it seemed safe he gave her the go to come down.

Y/n slowly climbed down the ladder, but just her luck, she slips on the last few steps. At least there would be water to support her fall. However she felt arms wrap around her quickly, catching her from getting hurt.

"Can't you be a little more careful?" Leon asked as she turned to face him. His arms still wrapped around her. His eyes were such a pretty color. Despite not much lighting in this cave, Leon was just perfect all over wasn't he? "The same goes for you." She narrowed her eyes while pushing away from him. "Thank you though..." She added.

"Just try not to slip next time." Though he didn't mind catching her all the time, but when he's not around. It's best that she's careful on her own, if no one will be there to catch her then.

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