The Devil was Watching

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"That blasted mediocre Jim Peters! Who does he think he is- deciding who gets to work in my town under my- for Christ's sake Colt. Get that infernal cough under control!"

Colt tried to soothe his dry, aching throat with some wine. It didn't help and instead he ended up spluttering his drink and blood all over the table cloth before him.

"Jesus. Jessica! Clean up this damn mess! Colt you go upstairs and you rest now."

The young man feebly pushed away his uneaten meal before him, slowly getting up as he felt the weight of the world resting on his shoulders.

He was too tired to even protest and went straight up to his room as his father continued cursing under his breathe. Once inside, Colt collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. He felt more comfortable underneath the blankets, surrounded by warmth and silence. His father's constant spiteful mutters against those who even remotely did something he didn't like were taking a toll on him- especially now.

Peace, quiet, and rest was what he craved but being part of the Townsend family required you to be up and about at all times. Putting on a show for everyone to see, like they were the ringmasters of a circus or something.

Colt didn't care for it all. He didn't want the town after his father's death, and he sure as hell wasn't eager to have an heir. There were times Horley would present some beautiful woman to his son, but all Colt saw was a pretty face and nothing else. No connection, no attraction, just the acknowledgment of an individual's features.

"I 'ought to die if I can't have some peace in this damned family," Colt grumbled miserably, just like his father. It would've made him laugh at how similar they were sometimes, had it not been for the sudden sound of screaming.

The man jolted up in his bed, his heart picking up speed as he stayed sitting for a while longer. His ears strained, and his eyes darted around the room, wondering if anyone else had heard what he heard. Perhaps it was an animal?

The man was suddenly racing for the window to his room the second time he heard the ear-piercing screech. No, it was no animal. In fact, just by the sound of shouts and lights outside he knew something was wrong.

Colt put on his coat, bursting open the door to his room just as his father was halfway down the hall. It seemed he was going to grab him, and with just a nod between the two, both men scurried outside of their house.

"Alright, alright. Everyone calm down! What's the issue here?" Horley waved his hands above his head, attempting to dissuade a small crowd that was beginning to grow in the middle of Graveflat. Mostly men were outside, huddled around a rather panicked figure that shivered and cried out from fear.

Sheriff Jim was there as well, trying to hold the men back as he attempted to shield a cowering figure of a woman. It didn't take long for Colt to notice her tear-stained eyes and pale face. 

"God damn it, Jim. What's going on here?" Horley now demanded, inspecting the trembling woman as her attention stayed focused on the floor. Before Jim could respond, Horley let out a muffled gasp as he realized who the woman was.

"Mrs. Crowley? You are Mrs. Crowley, correct? Your husband owns the meat shop down that way?"

The woman lifted her gaze, red eyes filled with tears as she gave a solemn nod. The men around began to mutter, until one began to question where Mr. Crowley was. Soon everyone there began to disperse, heading back to the woman's home in search of her missing husband.

Colt didn't know what to think of the situation. He was baffled by how terrifying the whole ordeal was, and it only got worse when the woman finally found her voice.

Her breathing was sharp, but her words were clear despite being low. She stared out into the open at nothing in particular, rubbing her arms as if to comfort herself.

"Th-there was something outside our window, Mr. Townsend! Something awful with big yellow eyes! Black as the night. It was the Devil!"

Horley looked up at Jim, who gave a sigh as he attempted to pick up the woman. Colt could tell her whole body reeked of strong alcohol, and he knew at that moment what they were all thinking.

"Take her back home. I'm sure you'll find her husband highly intoxicated as well." Horley whispered into Jim's ear as the other gently coaxed the woman to follow him.

Colt's fear subsided into nothing, and he let out a sigh of relief as only him and his father were left outside. There were still a few individuals about discussing what had happened, but Horley made sure to let them know everything was okay.

"Blasted people. Drinking till they hallucinate. What is this world we are living in." Colt could hear his father muttering under his breathe, still holding that damn smile in case someone glanced his way. "I'll tell you what. You ever drink as heavily as that your life is going downhill and there aint no coming back. You hear me, boy?"

"I don't even drink that much," Colt lightly interjected, feeling a little winded from all the excitement. His father seemed to notice, for he gave the other a rough pat on the back and motioned towards their home a little ways behind them.

"Go back inside, son. I have matters to discuss with the Sheriff."

Colt nodded and turned to head back to his place. He felt the drowsiness of earlier return, and with it another set of horrible coughing fits. He barely made it past the entrance door before spitting a load of blood into his open palm.

Shakily, the young man furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at how green and bright red the mixture of his phlegm was. Before he could throw up all over the floor due to disgust, a serious voice popped up behind him from the open door.

Colt immediately hid his hand behind his back, whirling around and focusing his attention on a tall, pale man. He wore a long, black coat and a tilted hat, smirking with an air of superiority. It was none other than Ezekiel- the bastard was making a habit of popping up out of nowhere at the wrong time.

"Didn't mean to alarm you, Mr. Townsend. I wanted to check up on y'all. Make sure that ghastly sight of a woman didn't scare the souls right outta your bodies."

Colt shook his head, awkwardly still holding the mess in his palm as he looked around for something to wipe it off. Ezekiel seemed to notice and yanked a black bandana from his pocket, holding it out for the other to take. The young man was hesitant at first, but eventually took it with a bit of shame.

"You've caught me in a rather bad position twice now. I will have you know that yes, I am sick. You'd be wise to keep this to yourself. No need to alarm anyone."

Ezekiel nodded silently, smiling as his empty eyes watched the other use his fabric to clean up his hand. Once he was finished, he bowed his head, staring at the entrance of the doorway as if eager to get through.

"Well then, Mr. Townsend. I believe the universe has thrown us together for a reason. I am not only a man of the law, but a doctor of sorts."

"A doctor?" Colt echoed, looking over the man from head to toe curiously. He definitely looked better than he did earlier on, but still carried a rather dead aura about him. Perhaps he was one of those doctors who would quite literally work themselves to death.

"That is correct, sir. A doctor. Do I have your permission to enter your residence?"

Colt thought it was a little funny the way Ezekiel spoke in that drolling voice of his. It was like everything he said had some hidden jest to it, but despite the lack of sincerity he felt from the man Colt decided it wouldn't hurt to get himself acquainted with the newcomer.

"By all means do come inside, sir. I hope you find the place to your liking."

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