Have I Met You Before?

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The first thing that hit Colt was the smell. It was highly sweet and spicy- almost herbal, but carried an underlying stench of what could only be described as decay.

Despite the strong aroma, Colt didn't wake up coughing as he usually did. He felt unusually energized for a sick man, and slowly lifted himself from his bed before stopping halfway up.

He didn't recognize the room he was in. It was dark with only a few lit candles to illuminate his surroundings, but he could still tell he wasn't where he was supposed to be. Panicked, the man tried to recall what had happened before he blacked out. He remembered Ezekiel, that strong liquor, some terrible nightmare...ah, of course.

Colt laid a hand over his pounding chest, breathing out in relief once he came to terms with where he most likely was. The smell was familiar as well as the dark leather coat flung on a chair nearby. Had Ezekiel really taken him back to his place? No wonder his father condoned drinking. After last night's occurrence, Colt made a mental note to stay as far away from liquor as he possibly could.

Quickly yet quietly, the man peeled the clean sheets away from his body. His boots were neatly laid beside the bed, and he slipped them on before making his way out of the room.

The place was well furnished and in neat condition. He wondered how Ezekiel had gotten everything in order in just a few days, until he guessed the Sheriff probably helped out with that.

"Hello?" Colt called out a little hesitantly, wondering why everything was so silent. Had his host left him on his own? He wondered if he could make it back home without a guide and was about to leave through the front door when he heard a sound coming from further in the house.

"I appreciate the help, Ezekiel. I also apologize for troubling you last night." He waited for a moment for some sort of response, before realizing he really was alone. As he turned once more to leave, he caught wind of something strange in the air. A whiff of death concealed by a wave of overpowering perfume.

Ezekiel was beside him in an instant, appearing a little worse than yesterday. The darkness underneath his eyes was as pronounced as the first time they met and his skin was paler than before. This time, Colt couldn't hold his surprise back.

"You scared me. Why do you look so terrible?"

"Why, thank you," Ezekiel replied sarcastically, a smug look on his visage as he scrutinized the man from head to toe. "I do try my best to impress."

"I'm sorry," Colt immediately regretted what he had said, but he could tell something wasn't right with the man. He needed a doctor himself, if anything. Perhaps that was the best way he could repay him for his hospitality.

"I don't need anyone to come see me," Ezekiel cut the other off before he could even speak his mind. "I'll be fine by the mornin'."

Colt hadn't even realized it was still dark outside. How long had he been out? What would his father say- or had he even noticed he was gone for longer than usual?

Despite how weak he appeared, Ezekiel casually strolled past his guest and generously offered him a place to sit.

"Your dear ol' daddy and everyone is fast asleep. You really shouldn't be roamin' the town this late, anyways."

"You mean- because of those prints? You really think the Devil is here?" Ezekiel had forgotten about the Crowley couple. A shot of anxiety hit his gut as he recalled what the other had shown him outside their window. Surely there must've been some type of explanation. Maybe someone decided to play a cruel prank?

"Now, that ain't fear I smell." Ezekiel's eyes widened with amusement, as if he derived pleasure from seeing the look of terror on his guest. Colt didn't think it was very funny, after all a good man had died from whatever was going on. Annoyed, he attempted to stare the other down before realizing he couldn't focus on those dark eyes for even a second.

"So what if I am? You don't know Graveflat like I do. Nobody has ever tried to do something as sick as this. We're a peaceful community, sir."

"The most peaceful towns carry the darkest secrets. Sooner or later, all comes to light."

Colt didn't understand what his partner was getting at, but he didn't outright say anything. Instead, he mellowed over those words over and over as he slowly leaned back on his chair.

Humans are a greedy bunch of bastards. They'd do anythin' for power.

The strange nightmare from last night came back, and with it a sick feeling of apprehension. Ezekiel started to notice the change on his companions face, and he cocked his head as he rested against an armchair at the corner of the room.

"That's the face of a man with an unpleasant thought."

"...I just remembered something. A dream." Colt almost whispered, feeling rather odd all of a sudden. He glanced around the place, rubbing his arms as a cold chill suddenly befell him. Ezekiel narrowed his eyes suspiciously, crossing his arms over his chest as he began to tap his boot on the floor.

"Go on."

He was acting ridiculous, getting scared over something that wasn't even real. It's not like Ezekiel was a monster of some sort. Colt's expression immediately changed as his shoulders relaxed, and he gave a little shrug.

"I had a dream about you."

Ezekiel's tense face immediately turned soft. He broke eye contact with the other, dusting off his pants as he crossed one leg over the other.

"You really aren't afraid to express your interests, are you Mr. Townsend?"

"N-no. That's not what I meant! I meant it was more like a nightmare. Not that dreaming of you is bad in the slightest. It just- the point is it what downright strange." Colt struggled to keep his thoughts together. "You were you, yet you weren't you at the same time."

"What ever do you mean?"

"Well at one point we were talking. And then you just started turning ugly. Like a shadow, with horrible yellow eyes and a sharp row of teeth. Said some really strange stuff as well."

For a moment Ezekiel seemed rather offended, but he quickly changed his expression as he got up from his seat.

"Now, that is a strange dream." He passed by the other, heading to the kitchen as his face once again turned solemn. Unbeknownst to his friend, he was starting to feel unwell.

It had been quite some time since he...fed. Entertaining his guest as well as maintaining appearances was seemingly taking a toll on his body, but he had a way of regaining a little of his strength. At least to get through the night.

Ezekiel made his way behind the other, resting his hands on top of the broad shoulders before him. They jumped a little when he made contact, and seemingly grew a little tense under his touch.

"Dreams are a gift from the universe. They give' us signs, warnin's- whatever you wanna call it."

"And what could the universe be telling me?" Colt sighed, feeling a little exhausted as the other began to gently dig his fingers into his back. They felt strange. Like the claws of an animal, but that didn't stop him from thinking it was relaxing.

"Suppose it was a warnin'. A glimpse of who I really am."

"A monster? I highly doubt it, good sir. You act a lil different, I admit. But human nonetheless."

"Appearances can be deceivin'."

"Not yours."

Ezekiel knitted his eyebrows together, loosening his grip on the other slightly. He didn't respond and after a short pause eventually let go, struck by what the other had said.

"You seem...familiar, Colt. As if I met you before. Have we ever crossed paths?"

"I don't think so," Colt turned his head, a playful smile on his lips. Ezekiel didn't know how to respond, until eventually he returned the gesture with equal warmth.

"You're probably right."

He Goes On All Fours - A Western Monster RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now