New Acquaintances

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Colt eyed the untouched bowl of soup before him, surrounded by nothing but silence- and the occasional sound of a fork scraping against a plate.

He didn't bother to move or even lift his head which rested tiredly against a sweaty palm, not even when his name was spoken.

"Colt." Came the voice again, only this time a little more stern. The young man barely lifted his tear stained eyes as he stared at his father seated across from him. The older man sighed, almost in annoyance, as he quickly dabbed the corner of his mouth with a napkin. He motioned towards the food sitting in front of his son, seemingly ignoring the fact that he was crying.

"How do you expect to get better if you won't eat?"

"I ain't hungry." Colt responded dryly. He lowered his gaze once more, letting out a little sigh before wiping the corners of his eye.

It had been five days since he last saw Ezekiel...or Jesús, for that matter. He was missing the Sheriff badly, but his father didn't seem to mind the lawman's absence. In fact, he seemed rather content. Colt guessed it was because the gang of riders had disappeared also.

'The Sheriff will be back soon' was all Mr. Townsend spoke about the matter, and he refused to comment anything further. His son, however, wasn't satisfied.

Each night, Colt would leave his window open in hopes that perhaps the missing creature would somehow sneak inside his room and surprise him. He was starting to lose hope after the third day, however, and with it his sickness became worse.

Colt never felt closer to death than he did nowadays. His nightmares felt more like visions, but each time he'd wake up forgetting half of the horrors his mind conjured. Despite that, the same thought would always ring inside his mind...

'I'm going to die here'.

He felt a trickle of dread trickle down the back of his neck and spread throughout his arms. Colt immediately sat up from his chair in order to dismiss himself, but was cut off by the sound of footsteps.

Both him and his father turned their heads towards the entrance of the dining room, curiously watching as Jessica apologetically bowed as she entered the room.

"Pardon. Someone's askin' for the young sir, Mr. Townsend."

Colt's heart picked up speed a little as he whirled at his father, who immediately stopped the other from bolting out the door.

"Now who might that be," the older man replied dryly, clearly unamused by the unexpected intrusion. He impatiently stuffed a forkful of meat in his mouth as the woman nervously bowed her head, afraid of the scolding she would receive.

"Well, sir...he just said he's a friend."

Colt didn't wait for his father to respond. He stood up from his seat and tossed the napkin he was holding on to the table. Giving the old man a rather unamused glare, he excused himself and told Jessica he was finished with dinner.


"I'll be back later." Was all the young man muttered before finally exiting the suffocating chamber. As soon as he shut the doors behind him, he bolted for the front entrance. 

Could it finally be Ezekiel after so long? Did he finally come back? God, he was sure going to give him a good beating for leaving without even saying anything...

With sweaty palms and a smile plastered on his dry lips, Colt almost ripped the door of its hinges. He was prepared to find that cocky tall beast with a smirk plastered on his pale face...but was immediately disappointed.

The grin he wore fell as quickly as his heart, and Colt was once again as depressed as he was before. Perhaps even worse.

"I see I'm not the one you were expecting." The strange man from the night before stood before the other, towering over him with an eerie almost cold energy. Colt wasn't even ashamed to shake his head, crossing his arms over his chest as he let out a very disgruntled sigh.

"You weren't. I was expecting someone else."

"The sheriff, perhaps?"

Colt could feel his cold face grow warm as he took a step back, gritting his teeth as he tried to bite back a smart remark.

"Mr. Williams, was it? I was told you referred to yourself as my friend. Any reason why you are here?"

Charles nodded, and even bore a polite smile besides holding an eternally empty gaze. He bowed a little, plucking the top hat off his head, "I'd be more than honored if you come join me for drinks at my residence tonight. My wife and I have much to discuss with you...about your friend."

Colt didn't even know how to respond. His eyebrows shot straight up as he recalled the woman this man was married to and how she was connected to Ezekiel. Did he even know who his wife's former lover was? Did he even care? And what was it they needed to discuss about Ezekiel? Did...something happen to him?

Despite his better judgement, the young man gave a firm nod and began to hurriedly make his way outside much to the others surprise.

"Well, I suppose we should move along quickly. My father will start to wonder where I ran off to."

"Ah, yes. He does seem rather strict now doesn't he?"

"You've met him?"

"Of course I have. He offered my wife and I a lovely residence in the middle of town. You all were in desperate need of a butcher, after all."

Colt stopped to examine the man walking beside him. He did recall the other saying he had spoken to his father before.

Of course he did. Anyone who came strolling into town with a fancy pair of clothes on their back were immediately greeted by the great Mr. Townsend like a fly to dung.

"Yes. We lost our prior one a short while ago...I assume my father left out the grisly details?"

Charles quickly side eyed the man as a flicker of interest flashed before his once empty eyes.


"Yes, sir. Butcher's wife grew mad and left town soon after. Said, ah, there some monster roaming around. I've never seen one, though."

The strange man stopped dead in his tracks, causing the other to slowly come to a stop also. He realized he might have made the other uncomfortable, but was soon put at ease when he was given an unnaturally warm smile.

"Suppose I best keep an extra eye out for trouble then."

"Suppose you should," Colt responded, forgetting his unending sadness for a moment.

He Goes On All Fours - A Western Monster RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now