A Strange Man

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"Keep an eye on the boy for me, Emma. I suspect he will come to you. And when he does..."
"I'll make sure to tell him."
"...Much obliged."


Colt's eyes snapped open, along with a wave of whispers that slowly died down the more he regained conscious. He immediately lifted his head from his damp pillow, searching around wildly as dark visions danced before his eyes.

He knew his nightmares had suddenly returned, but even so he couldn't quite remember what had kept waking him up at night. There was a dark figure, screams, a woman calling his name...

Colt rubbed his face, shaking his head as he positioned himself to sit on the side of the bed. A small tear of sweat traveled from his temple down to his chin, where it dangled for a moment before landing on the floor.

The man quickly lifted up his head, his eyes taking in the moonlit sky outside his open window. It took a moment, but reality finally settled upon him. His eyes darted around as he recalled Jesus's story and the accusations he had made against his own family. It filled his heart with dread until he also recalled what had happened soon after.

Colt could feel his cheeks grow flushed as his fingertips traced his lips.

By God. That son of a bitch Ezekiel had kissed him.

Flustered, the man tried to remember what happened soon after and how he ended up in his room. Where the two men still in his house? Had his father returned?

Hastily, he slipped on a coat he had thrown on the floor before dozing away. He jumped into some boots and carefully tiptoed all the way to the entrance of his room, just in case his father was awake and heard the floorboard groan.

The house was empty, or at least empty of Ezekiel and Jesús. It appeared that the men did leave, and his father had apparently already come home. His office was shut close, but the faint flicker of light emanating from under the door let Colt know that he was inside.

Still cautious, Colt walked over to the entrance of his home and made his way outside. Surely, Ezekiel would be around no doubt, inspecting the area. He had to find and speak to him about the matter at hand- and ask him to have Jesús reconsider his revenge. Ezekiel did say he would try and help before...if his feeling towards Colt were genuine then perhaps it would further inspire him to stop the outlaw from hurting his town and family.

The human breathed out a sigh of relief as soon as the fresh, gentle breeze hit him. There was something so suffocating about his home. Like a heavy energy was always looming around them, making everything so tense. It hadn't been that way when his mother was still alive. She made everything so much better and livelier. Up until the sickness hit.

Colt had unknowingly walked further into Graveflat, only stopping when he heard a shuffle beside one of the closed shops. He turned his head slightly to inspect a stray dog gently passing him by without any acknowledgment. The young man's gaze stayed on the animal until it disappeared around another residence, and he was ultimately alone.

A shiver of fear broke through his body as he gently rubbed his arms. Realization suddenly settled upon him as the wind gently whistled through the night...

He was alone.

There was no Ezekiel around. The town of Graveflat was eerily silent. It was as if the whole place had suddenly been devoid of life.

Colt lowered his head as he sat himself upon a small rock just off to the right. He went over what the creature had said...and how he would miss him. Did he...really leave?

The young man shot up, his jaw dropping once he finally understood what was going on. Sprinting, he skipped down the streets, calling for the Sheriff in a low yet audible whisper. He was hoping for some sort of appearance, for a smirking, arrogant face to pop out from around a corner. But nobody did come...at least, not anyone he was expecting.

As soon as Colt lunged around a corner of a shop, he smashed agonist a rather sturdy and tall individual. Thinking it was the one he was hunting for, he gripped on to the man's arms and squeezed hard, lifting his head as a single tear rolled down his eye.

An unfamiliar face peered down at him, flashing a wide smile underneath a rather tidy mustache. Colt immediately let go, composing himself before apologizing profusely.

He was about to excuse himself until the stranger stopped him with a rather polite voice. He had a strange accent, as if he wasn't from around there. Colt silently wondered if he came from overseas. Perhaps he was one of the new residents in town, like that woman Ezekiel knew.

"Beg your pardon, sir." The man suddenly spoke, causing Colt to stop in his tracks. He raised his brows as the other straightened up like a proper gentleman. Hell, he was even dressed like one. A gold watch attached to his vest and his tidy clothes was all the young man needed to know that he was dealing with someone important.

"It's fine."

"I didn't mean to frighten you. Are you alright?" He paused as he inspected the smaller man with curiosity, then added, "You're Mr. Townsend's son, aren't you? I heard about you from your father. You're the spitting image."

Colt nodded slightly, wondering what type of partnership his father and this man now had. Typical of his daddy to bounce right on the rich the second they strolled into Graveflat.

"I'm Charles Williams, by the way. My wife, Emma and I just arrived."

Colt wasn't so interested in entertaining the man with any type of convo, but his ears perked to attention the second he heard that name.


A flicker of jealousy suddenly flashed on his face as he narrowed his eyes at Mr. Williams. Ezekiel had mentioned the name before.

That woman.

"I see." Colt didn't mean to speak through gritted teeth, and he immediately tried to conceal his apparent annoyance with a forged smile.

"It was nice to meet you, but I must be getting home now."

This time Charles didn't bother to keep the other around. He tipped his top hat in farewell, silently watching as the sickly, small man turned and began to make his way back home.

The strange man continued to smile despite the other being long gone. He carefully reached inside his sleeve and pulled out a concealed object. It was thin and glistened under the moonlight. He didn't keep it out for long however, before tucking it inside his waist coast.

Perhaps the next night would yield no distractions. For now, he would return home and inform Emma of whom he had just run into.

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