The Rain

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I was doing pretty well getting down...and by that I mean I had only moved 5 inches from where I originally stood. I tried jumping onto the other tree since the one I stood on was out of branches for me to get down from.

-"It's alright" I tried assuring myself.

-"Things can only get better from here, they can't get any wor-" I was cut off by the sound of rain and thunder.

-"Perfect!" I groaned in annoyment, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose thinking more about the situation.

I was stuck on a tree, rain pouring heavily and there was an unknown man nearby who could speak to monkeys. 

I was leaning against a tree, my eyes closed in thought, until I opened them realizing that me standing here wasn't going to get me anywhere. But of course more things could go wrong and I was face-to-face with the stranger.


-"Stay back!"'

-"Don't come any closer!" I warned and tried to back up but  was against the tree, I couldn't move any further.

-"Get away from me" I yelled and slapped him after he was leaning too close to me. He shook his head, looking confused from the slap.

-"It serves you right, now stay at least five feet away from me" he stood staring at me before getting closer once more.

-"Back up mister, my father won't take kindly to you"

-"No, back up-" he held the side of my face in his hand, caressing it in a sort of way. I moved my head to the side and raised my hand to slap him again but he caught it.

-"How dare you!" he held my gloved hand, looking at it, quietly observing.

He took off the white glove I had on and now stared at my hand. He pressed his hand against mine, then looked from our hands to me, he let go of my hand and leaned closer to me, I tried backing away again but I was against the tree. He leaned the side of his head against my chest which made me very much uncomfortable. I tried pushing him away but he stayed there, listening to my heartbeat, something I figured out since he tapped on the tree with the same rhythm.

-"Oh dear!" he took hold of my face, observing it before moving me to be against his chest.

-"T-That's a very lovely heartbeat you have" I told him as I pulled away and tried to tie my hair.


-"Yes, your heart beats a rhythm-" I cut myself off and stared at him.

-"So you do speak"

-"And all this time I thought you were...well never mind that"

-"Why didn't you tell me"? And why did you not stop when I told you to!" he looked at me with a confused expression.


Early chapter! I got my chores done so I have a few minutes to write and decided to give you guys an early chapter.

I hope you guys liked it!


Tarzan (Tarzan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now