The Boats

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-"We've wasted all this time on what he wants, the boat will arrive any day now!"

-"Now ask him straight out!" Clayton demanded, and as much as I didn't want to, I had to, it's what we came here to do, study the gorillas.

-"Tarzan" he turned his attention from the solar system model we had towards me.

-"Will you take us to see the gorillas?"

-"Do you understand?" I asked.

-"...I understand" he replied, with much hesitance.

-"Good work, Y/n!" father complemented.

-"Well?" Clayton waited for further action.

-"I can't"

-"WHAT!" Clayton was ready to rant but I patted his shoulder to calm down.

-"Why not, Tarzan?" I asked, being gentle so he'd know I wasn't mad like Clayton.

-"Kerchak" with that said he walked away. He usually did after lessons so I wasn't too worried about him not coming back.

-"What do we do now?!" Clayton ripped the sketch of a gorilla he was holding to shreds.

-"I-I don't know,"

-"Kerchak's probably the leader, he might need permission from him to let us see the others" father explained and I understood but Clayton not so much, he gave an angry huff and left for his tent.

-"I'm gonna go finish up a report, don't stay out too late, the sun will be setting soon" father patted my shoulder and left for his tent.

-"I guess I'll go draw something" I mumbled and walked over to the end where we had the projector and stuff.

-The Next Morning-


-"Hun! Wake up!" I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes, looking at my father confused.

-"W-What? What's going on?" I asked.

-"We're leaving hun, the boats are here" I stood up from the sofa chair I had fallen asleep on quickly.


-"Aye! Cut her loose!" I heard someone yell and father dragged me from the sofa chair to the outside.

-"Come on, we have to get on now, they're just taking the last of the stuff before we leave"

-"Wait! But I..."

-"You what?"

-"I..." I turned to face the forest, a bit of an empty feeling settling in my stomach.

-"Nothing, nevermind" I took my shoes off the ground and put them on, taking one last look at the forest before walking over to take my stuff away.

-"Just give us two more days!" Clayton was arguing with the captain of the ship.

-"Please give us one more day at least, or we would have come for nothing" I told the captain.

-"I apologize Miss Porter, but we gave you the dates, we leave today" with that said he marched away, shouting orders to other crew members.

-"This is your fault!" Clayton yelled at me, giving a groan in frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

-"I should have followed my instincts and set traps for the beasts!"

-"Don't you think I'm disappointed about the gorillas?"

-"You are absolutely impossi-" I was cut off when I bumped into someone.

-"I'm sorry I-...oh! Tarzan"

-"I was afraid I wouldn't come on time"

-"The boats have arrived, the ones that'll take us to England"

-"And father and I...well...I was wondering if..."

-"Well, we really hope that you'll come with us"

-"Won't you?"

-"Go see England today, come home tomorrow?"

-"Oh,, we won't come back tomorrow, it'll be too difficult to do so"

-"Not come back?"

-"I know it sounds awful, but you belong with us, with people"

-"Y/n must stay with Tarzan" he held a flower up to me.

-"Stay here?"

-"No, I can't stay, I...I have to go"

-"Y/n, stay" he took my hand gently.



-"But I can't, I'm sorry" I pulled my hand from his and ran towards the direction of the boats.


Finals are finally over! Yay! 

Winter break is in two days and then I'm free from the clutched of my professors and school!

I will now, once again start posting regularly, sorry I haven't been able to!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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