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-"I mean you could have stopped"

-"Or you could have asked me questions because you made me very much uncomfortable"

-"And if my father had seen you do that he'd have Clayton-" he put a finger to my lips.

-"Tarzan" he said as he pointed at himself.

-"Is that your name?"

-"Tarzan" he pointed at himself.

-"Is that your name" he pointed at me. I let out a laugh, realizing that he thought my name was 'Is that your name'.

-"No, no, no"

-"I'm Y/n" I introduced myself.

-"No, no, no, I'm Y/n" he repeated after me and I shook my head.

-"No, I'm Y/n, only Y/n"

-"Y/n" I pointed at myself.

-"Tarzan" I pointed at him.

-"Y/n" I pointed one last time at myself, hoping he understood.

-"Y/n" he put a finger under my chin, staring at me.

-"Exactly" he stayed in a bit of silence before the loud and recognizable gunshots were heard.


-"Clayton" he repeated after me and leaned by the edge of the tree branch to I guess try to find him.

-"Extraordinary" I mumbled, he's a quick learner.

-"Could you please take me back to my camp? My father will have a fit if I'm not back by nightfall"

-"Clayton?" he asked.

-"Yes, down there" he took hold of my waist then a tree vine.

-"Oh, no, no, no, I have a big fear of heights, can't we WALK?!!" I yelled the last part as we swung down towards the ground.

-Getting to the Camp-

-"Oh my goodness! There's gorillas!" I exclaimed, staring at the gorillas that were wrecking our campsite with such fascination.

Tarzan went ahead, walking towards the gorillas and talking to them. They knew him, and he knew them, he had some relation to them, probably from the same family group. But what was he doing here? Were there more humans here?

Eventually they stopped talking and all turned to me. I walked closer slowly, making sure not to hurry so I wouldn't scare them off. One gorilla looked over at Tarzan and he gave him a nod before he walked closer to me. I held a hand out but he backed up away from me. I thought I had done something wrong until I heard a type of growl behind me.

-"Oh no" I whispered to myself, not daring to turn around. But eventually I did and let out a loud yell as a full grown male gorilla growled at me.

I backed away but tripped on a book that was laying on the ground. I scooted away as much as I could and stood frozen in fear as more gorillas made their way to us. He growled one more time before walking past me, all of the other gorillas following after him.

Tarzan looked over to me, then turned the gorillas that were leaving but he stood in place. That is before another gorilla tugged on his arm gesturing him to move. He didn't move, he continued to stare at me until my name was being called by father and Clayton, which caused him to leave.



-"Y/n, where are you?!"

-"Oh, Y/n! Thank goodness!"

-"What happened?!"

-"Are you alright?"

-"We've been looking for you everywhere!" father exclaimed.

-"I-I..." I stayed a bit silent. Should I tell him, what would he say? What would Clayton say?


The amount of times I put (POV): instead of (A/N): is unbelievable!

I hope you guys liked the chapter!


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