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The world was once a wonderful place, where creatures and magic lived in harmony...

Three thousand years ago, far off in the distant mountains of what is now known as Russia, the first Lycanthrope was born. Conceived by Allia, the goddess of the moon, and the great wolf king, Rei, this baby was half-god and half-beast and was named Besta.

Following Besta's birth, four more siblings came. Estrela, Fera, Lobo, and Ujk. They were known as the first five.

When their father had realized the kind of monsters he had created, he set out to kill them and take their power, but Allia could not bear to lose her children, so she took them and spread them all across the world in hopes that the beast king would not find them.

But Rei was fast and clever. He quickly found Estrela in what is known as Asia and slaughtered her. After the death of her eldest daughter, Allia gifted the Lycans with the power to control packs, ensuring her offspring would be protected.

Thus, the first alphas were made.

Allia created more Lycans to join her first children. These were her children's mates. Because Allia could only give half of her soul to her pups, she split up Rei's soul while he was sleeping and placed it inside other vessels, or mates. Thus, the mate bond was established to bring the two parts of the soul together.

As their numbers grew, Rei found it harder and harder to get passed their borders. Even with his animal instincts and the control he had over his own pack of vicious wolves, he was no match for the heightened senses of the Lycanthropes. Rallying together, the remaining four slaughtered their father and took control over his pack in northern Russia.

All seemed well for a decade or two. Allia was content with the life she had created and ascended back to her home. High above the clouds, she watched over her little pups from afar, peaceful and content at last.

But absolute power corrupts absolutely...

Besta, the oldest and strongest of the remaining four, wanted control over all packs. He wanted to rule like his father once had, controlling and shaping the world into his own image. So, he set out to create the ultimate weapon against his kind.

He enlisted the help of the three greatest witches of the time: Magi, Lumee, and Auga, sisters of Allia, each holding their own special elemental powers.

Magi held the power of balance. She was the peacemaker between her sisters. Controlling time and earth, she was the most powerful of the three.

Lumee sought out fire magic. She was the flames that consumed forests. She could control a person's emotions, favoring anger above all others. She starts wars for her own enjoyment and brought whole civilizations down with a snap of her fingers.

Auga was the spirit of water. She enjoyed solidarity, preferring to stay far away from the world as much as possible. Her special gifts allowed her to control the currents of the ocean, as well as the life the flowed through every being.

With the help of these witches, Besta had created the first vampire...His mate. Turning his own mate into a creature so vile, so cruel, he had her destroyed. But that didn't stop him. Next, he changed his children. One by one they all were transformed into bloodthirsty beings with red eyes; their Lycan blood ceasing to exist.

When the other three Lycans heard of what their brother had done, they came together once more to stop him.

No one knows for sure how they managed to stop Besta, but soon the world was back to normal, except for the vampires who had gotten out of control. They multiplied faster than any other creature on the planet. One bite was all it took.

Allia saw the mess her pups had made and put into place a set of rules to combat their lust for power.

They stopped being immortal.

They stopped having full control over their beasts.

And because of Besta killing his mate, Allia put into place a sacred law that forbade the murder of one's other half. "If you shall kill half your soul, then you have killed it all."

A decade later, all of the first Lycans had died. Their children became the next leaders of the packs, and the line continued for generations.

But it is said that many alphas tried to regain the power that was taken from them by Allia. They tried magic and science. They roamed the earth looking for a way to bring their full Lycan forms back.

One of these alphas was Alpha Medo, Great-great-great grandson of Ujk, alpha of the Bronze pack. He had found a witch, one of the sisters of Allia, who could bring back his powers. But it came at a great cost. He had to commit the most sinister crime and kill his mate, severing the bond that they shared in order to restore his power.

He died in the process, killing them both.

The magic book, the one with the spell, which was gifted to him by Allia's sister, was kept locked away, hidden from the view of his people and anyone who would try to destroy it.

Legend says, that only the Bronze bloodline can use it. Many descendants of Medo have tried finding the book, tearing down the house in which he had once lived, but none could find it. After hundreds of years, the book was lost to history, forgotten by time.

Never to be seen again.

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