Chapter 18 pt.3

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*Warning: Long Chapter*


I suppressed the need to run out the door with the doctor. My heart hammered deep within my chest as I stared at the large retreating form of the man who convinced Kane to mark me. I had a very strong dislike for that man at the moment.

Kane growled out my name, startling me. 




"Leah, I will not let you die." I stood from the bed as quickly as I could and stepped back. "You're my mate. I-I," He stumbled on his words, looking down at my feet. Unconsciously, I wiggled my toes. 

"Kane, there are other options." Pressing my back against the dresser, I attempted to fuse my body with it. I was already feeling the pull of the mate bond, but if I could somehow put distance- miles upon miles of it- between us, I could start thinking rationally again. 

My tailbone hit the second drawer handle feeling like an ice-cold finger pressing into my back. An idea came to me. "We could get a witch," I mumbled, looking down at the curly handle that reminded me of vines against a branch.  

He scoffed, rubbing his eyes strenuously. "Do you really hate me that much?" he asked me, reeling back to the closet door. Now there was a whole room's worth of space between us that felt more like a canyon in my heart. I hated the feeling of being both physically and mentally apart, but I pushed it back.

"I don't hate you anymore," I whispered. I at least owed him the truth before I disappeared for good.

"And why is that?" He asked with a dry smile. The quick upturn of his lips faded away and was replaced by a more sinister frown; not towards me, but the effect of inner turmoil. His eyes glanced at the mirror and glared at his own reflection beside my head. 

"Kane, stop it," I demanded softly. I reached out but forced myself back. "I forgive you. I forgive you for how we met, and I forgive you for everything afterward. Kane, please stop beating yourself up over it." 

"It's not about you anymore, Leah, it's about me. I'm the one who has to forgive, and I can't. Not after what I did to you."


The big, bad alpha, one who regrets nothing, one who takes pride in the fear he draws out of others, was finally feeling remorse for his past. And I was the one who caused it. If that didn't hit me straight in the gut, much like the book had a week ago, then I don't know what did. 

I took a step, and then another. I kept my feet toe-to-heel the entire way across the room. I was about to kiss him, I was about to ruin every barrier I created because I felt pity for the man. If I wasn't so hell-bent on leaving, I would've. Heck, we could've been fully mated already if I wasn't so stubborn. 

At the moment, the only thing certain in my life was running. I had to get away as soon as possible, give myself to Markus to save Kane's pack, and then try to run from him again. That was all I knew. 

I conjured up all the strength left in me; granted, it wasn't much. My head was spinning, my limbs were slowly turning into jello, and my eyes were closing more times than I could count. I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself. 

"I have t-to tell you something," I wheezed. I fell over onto the bed and tried sitting up. How was I ever going to run like this? Alla! I wish that stupid doctor had a cure. 

He sat beside me, holding me up with one arm around my waist and the other hand cupping my face. I coughed, a lot more blood soaking into my shirt sleeve. 

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