Chapter 27 pt.2

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From where I was, it looked like he was a complete beast, giving every primal urge that he had full control over his body. And I know I used to joke about him being a beast before, but this was different. This time, he actually was.

I gulped.

He was going to kill me.




 I didn't have to wait long. 

His wolf's muscular body moved back and forth behind the fence, air like smoke coming from his nostrils, eyes blazing. 

I didn't say a word to him, fearful that I might upset him more. 

The captain gazed down at me before turning on his heels. With his hand raised, he ordered the gatekeepers to open it up to allow their alpha through. 

They weren't able to open it all the way before Kane gripped the metal with his teeth and yanked it back. He was then stalking over to me, a deadly gleam in his eyes. 

I lifted my hands in the air as shields to protect my body. 

Like that would do anything, my wolf snickered, though she, too, was frightened. 

"S-stop, Kane," I stuttered, stepping back. "Stay back!"

He crouched down, eyes furrowed angrily. He looked about ready to pounce on me and dig his sharp teeth into my jugular. 

Right before he could, though, James stepped in front of me, growling loud enough to spook Sophie awake. She cried in the distance. 

Her crying, Kane's anger, James's protection of me, the captain's weird smile earlier, it all smashed together into one ball of distracting noise, and I snapped. 

"Damnit, James!" I hissed at him. He looked back momentarily to gawk at me. "You made her cry," I said when he seemed confused at my outburst. Truthfully, I was confused too.

I turned to fetch my distraught sister, but when I got there, my mother was already soothing her, rocking her back and forth in her arm. It made me smile momentarily. 

"Get away from her!" Kane's booming voice demanded. I wasn't quick enough to see, but Kane had shifted and was now staring James down. 

I panicked. Running, I stepped in between the two and pressed hard against Kane's naked chest. The sparks zipped from my palms to my shoulders; the familiar sensation calming my pounding heart. 

"You, stop it!" I snapped, pushing against him again to add emphasis. 

His glowing molten gold eyes traveled to me as if he had just realized I was there. "I'm going to kill you," he growled menacingly, the roll of his L's striking deep into my core. 

I flinched at his words, feeling James's nose near my hand. I pressed him back, both moving him farther away and helping me back away as well. 

My mom gasped in horror, cradling the tiny child's face to her shoulder. I couldn't tell if it was because of Kane's bold statement about killing me, or if it was his complete disregard for his nudity. 

Suddenly, I was left with only two options.

One: Keep pushing James back until I thought of a way to escape the oncoming monster. 

Or two: Face Kane head-on as a Luna should. If I wanted to gain his forgiveness, I needed to start acting as if I wanted it. Stumbling away from him and acting like a scared kitten wasn't going to help either of us. 

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