Chapter 28

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*Warning- Long Chapter*


I could remember a time when all I cared about was getting through school, traveling out into the world, and hopefully making a difference. When I could finally be free of the horrible pack I called my home, maybe become the doctor of my dreams, and save people's lives. Besides that, I didn't have a care in the world. 

I wanted that life back. If I could just go back in time, back to when I was as little as Sohpie, and redo everything about myself knowing what I know now, I'd make sure Markus never saw me. I'd make sure I changed the path of my fate, find Kane sooner- before he married Katherine- and have my happy ending.

But that was impossible.

The trail was long and narrow, only giving room for my shoulders to squeeze through the branches of the surrounding red oak and birch trees. 

I was blindly navigating in the dark, only going by my scent to help guide me. Here, in dense foggy woods, every small noise sounded like monsters coming out of the darkness to snatch me up and take me away again. 

I voyaged through my old school's hallways like this once. Back in my Sophmore year of high school, a few friends and I decided it was a good idea to sneak into the building and wander around. All the lights were off, every door basically locked, and no one was around for miles. By the time we were near the gym, I was the only one left; everyone else had chickened out. 

Armed with nothing but my sensitive hearing and sense of smell, I found my way to the cafeteria and, thankfully, to an exit. But it was somewhat different out in the woods. It appeared to be endless, the only exit being behind me. 

I was in search of a cave. Carved out of a side of a cliff, it was the current resident of Kane's beast. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that he was there, otherwise, I'd be going there, risking myself, for no apparent reason. 

"Hey! You're strong, girl. You got this," Wendy had said to me back at the packhouse. I was still tired from my long journey and the blood loss, but I could've sworn she was right beside me. 

"Go get him, tiger," Lander said giving my shoulders a one-armed squeeze before I left. 

Was I crazy for venturing out into the forest like this? Was it wrong of me to chase him after he said he wanted to be alone?

He gave me an hour. I waited three. 

He spent months chasing after my heart, and now it was my turn to chase after his. If I was going to be rejected, at least I could say I tried. 

An owl, grey and spotted, flew over my head. I screamed, ducking to avoid the large bird and its sharp talons. The prey that it was after was a mouse. The little guy scampered between my feet, jumping into a large hole in the dirt. When he thought the coast was clear, he poked his head out and searched through the night.

Bad choice, I thought to myself as I watched. The owl swooped down from a tree branch it had perched on and snatched the little mouse up in its claws. He screeched, struggling to get out, but it was too late. The owl squeezed the life out of the tiny creature in seconds, flying off to his home to feast.  

I shuddered. 

Sniffing the air, all I caught was pine, oak, and bluebell flowers. The dang flowers grew almost all summer long, mostly on rocky terrain and dense forests. They were everywhere I stepped and covered Kane's scent perfectly. 

Soon, I found myself standing in front of two distant mountains. A single light cut threw the veil of darkness that covered my vision. 

It must've been him. 

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