We have a problem

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"No-no you don't" Raven says

Tyler raises his eyebrows and scoffs, turning back to his book.

"Well this just got awkward" Andrew makes a 'yikes' face

I slip my journal back under my pillow and make and attempt to stand up, luckily my arm didn't hurt as much.

I saw Tyler quickly avert his face from the book to me as I stood up then back to his book after I was up.

"Who wants cake?!" Elliot held quite a small chocolate cake in his hands that was already cut up with 'happy birthday' written in white frosting on the top.

Wow whoever wrote that should really improve their handwriting.

Next to him, Daisy held a bunch of plates and cutlery.

"Where did you get all that?" I ask

"Andrew raided the kitchen" Elliot says


Tyler ignored the cake as if he hasn't even heard anything. I walk over to him and snatch the book away "Come on at least try to celebrate, if not for yourself then for your friends" I say and the groans and gets up.

"I get the biggest slice" he says


We sat around for what seemed like ages, talking and catchup up I guess. Tyler mostly ignored everything as he always did. But he seemed happier.

And something about that made me happy too.

"Movie time!" Maya exclaims

"Oh yes yes yes pleaseeeee" Andrew pleads and I throw him the remote.

Which I probably should not have done.

He eagerly starts scrolling through Netflix and sketchy websites that I've never heard of.

I sigh and without even meaning to, I look back to Tyler.

How did he always look so good?

It's actually unfair.

He looked effortlessly beautiful just by simply laying on a bed and reading.

Jesus how long have I been staring?

My question was answered as he looks past his book and up me. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion, I even see a flicker of a smirk.

I quickly snap my gaze away and walk over to my bed to finish my journaling for today.

"I didn't know you journaled" I hear Tyler say, I was tempted to look at him again. I didn't.

"Not many people know. I don't openly talk about it"

"Has anyone ever read it, other than you of course?" He asks

"Only a long time ago, my mother helped me start it. No one's read it ever since" I respond

"Would you ever let anyone read it again?"

"Not unless I'm dead" I say


Despite Tyler's protests, Andrew picked Titanic of course.


"You'll see Ty by the end of the movie you'll be balling your eyes out" Andrew says

"I doubt that" Tyler says

This movie seemed awfully long but, we were only around half way.

Everyone was crowded around the bed Tyler was on. Andrew crept onto the bed too after a while though.

Amongst the worstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora