Duryodhan's challenge

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Karna's pov

A sage visiting Hastinapur informed them of the auspiciousness of the upcoming week to bring about a change for the better in their kingdom.

Bhisma took it as a good omen to crown their future king.

And with that, the shaky peace of the past half-year was shattered.

Uncle Shakuni said the house of lacquer was ready. He told them he had spoken to his sister, Queen Gandhari in Queen Kunti's presence about how a pilgrimage to Varanavat would be a great way to kickstart Yudhishthir's term as Crown Prince. He said  Kunti had begun considering it.

He said Queen Mother Kunti was going to visit Varanavat for a few days beforehand and would return for the crowning and would then go there with her sons.

"Where is she going to stay?" asked Dussashan, echoing Karna's desperate query.

"Not in our precious house of lacquer, of course," said Shakuni. "They will be sent to the house only when the whole family of six goes."


Almost as if fate wanted to tell him something very important, Karna stumbled across Kunti the moment he had stepped out of Duryodhan's room.

She smiled at him.

"Greetings, Queen Mother," said Karna in a dry voice.

"Greetings, my dear. I was hoping to find you--I never got the chance to talk to you after Arjun's wedding."


"Thank you for your timely intervention. I cannot imagine what might have happened otherwise."

"It's--it was nothing, Maharani--"

Kunti raised her hand to his cheek, her eyes soft.

"It is kind of you to say that. I expect Arjun had told you personally of his gratitude as well...he thinks of you as something of a hero now."

She laughed at his expression.

"I am in a bit of a hurry now--I am leaving for Varanavat--"

"When will you be back?"

"In three days' time, I expect. After Yudhishthir's crowning, my sons and I are going to stay there for a couple of months."

"Is Varanavat that holy a place?" The question slipped out before Karna could stop himself.

Kunti looked amused and indulgent, like the way a mother looked when her child asked a stupid question. It was the way Radha Maa often used to look at him in his childhood when he asked questions of archery.

"Yes, it is very holy. You can come to visit us there sometime."

"I would...love to."

Kunti bid him farewell. Karna had never realized earlier how fond he was of her. Sending her to Varanavat to die was--

He stormed back to Duryodhan's room.


But once inside, Karna could hardly look at the occupants: Duryodhan, Dussashan and Shakuni. The people who had chosen to be his companions and whom he had chosen in return. They were the only ones who had ever chosen him. One of them, in particular. He could not betray them

But he had to stop this--he had to--


"Karna--" Duryodhan's tone was as pleading as his.

Anuj's claim to affection (A Karna-Arjun what-if story)Where stories live. Discover now