Chapter 7

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(A/N so I had exams and  now holidays are near so expect a few uploads a week if possible and on with the show)

Menma pov
As I waited for Nari to come down I decided to check that I brought everything which was money a artifact to store stuff in and well my outfit. I was wearing a a grey button up shirt , which I had left some buttons undone , over that i had on this white cardigan, that had small details of embroidery on the side , the cardigan reached my mid thighs , in general I would say my I looked pretty damn nice after a few more mins of waiting I heard footsteps coming
Nari pov before coming down

I was wearing light wash mid rise jeans , with a black belt , as for the top I wore a white shirt , and an oversized black wooly jumper that reached my mid thighs , and ofc I would pair my outfit with my favorite boots they were black and shiny and perfect for anything tbh , horse riding , running , fighting , I would say even for dancing but my mom would kill me . I then topped it off with my grandmas silver pendulum it was the only thing that reminded me of her as it had a white diamond in the middle that reminded of how pure and kind she was then I made my down to met Menma and to honest I was nervous I don't know then when he came in a view my heart started bounding he was way to good looking like what's up with that and without realizing I was standing there just staring at him until he called me out
Menma pov
As her footsteps stop I see her there on the stairs staring at me which was weird so I snapped her out of her gaze
"Hey u okay there?"
"Huh? Uh y-yeah sorry spaced out"
while saying that she started blushing but soon I started to notice her outfit which was different from what u she usually wears
"T-the outfit suits u"
She said that then I got flustered don't know why so I just said
"Thanks u also look cute"
She seemed to blush but the looked up to me and gave me a bright smile i seemed to blush even more so while I put my hand up to cover my moth I said
"W-well I think we should get going"
"Yea good idea"
And so the date started we first got to the city square which was filled with people which is new to me since we never really left home back then after enjoying the sight Nari called me
"So what is it that u need to start adventuring?"
"Well first I need a mask to hide my identity as I don't want my father to figure me out as well as a custom made sword since my swordsmanship needs a certain kind of sword as well as adventuring gear"
"Well that all seems reasonable but don't u need artifacts like that ring to store stuff and what else"
"Well can't really say I need anything more than the ring and what I said"
"Well guess this date will be short then"
"It doesn't have to end after I get my thing u know"
"So what ur saying is?"
"We'll look around after placing the order for the gear and sword"
"Okay the let's quickly go"
"Sure but do u know anyplace"
"Sure I know a smith my dad told me about him"

"Are u sure that this is the right place?"
"Y-yea I think?"
Well the reason I'm saying this is because well the shop doesn't look like the best there is it seemed almost abandoned and no one took care of it for a while
"Well let's go inside for now we shouldn't judge a book by its cover"
"Yea ur right"
So we opened the door well it more like fell off but that's the same u know
"Hello anybody there?"
Asked Nari
"Don't think anyone home and if they are there probably drunk"
"Yea I can smell the alcohol"
"Leave if all ur gonna do is throw me money!!"
"Um can u at least come out"
After a bit of him bumping a bunch of things he finally came out and well let's say I didn't expect a dwarf that looks exactly like the master blacksmith of a game I knew
"I am the blacksmith now leave u pompous brats"
"I think u should at least try to see if we're pompous first"
"Fine then which one of these 2 blades is better?"
He then placed 2 different swords one was sparkling with gems and laced with gold and seemed sharp while the other looked dull now I said seemed sharp it is not
" the dull one the other is just looks fancy"
"Ohh ok let's try again it might have been a fluke"
He then took 2 blades that looked the same
"The first is sharpened better also is from better materials"
"Ok I guess ur different but what about the girl"
He took 3 this time and placed them
"Alright then for the girl which one is the the best one?"
He prolly asked her to have fun but she had other plans and so she also answered correctly
"Well I gotta say u two now what ur doing with weapons"
"Of course I do I'm not any noble brat like usual"
"Hahaha ur interesting kid"
"So are u so u making what I need or not?"
"Sure then named Nely"
"Ur parents had shit naming sense it does not go with u"
"I've heard that too much so what do u need made?"
"I need gear for adventuring preferably light and dark colored along with a mask and sword also the armor has to have a hood"
"Ok what about the blade?"
"U know katanas?"
"Yea the beastmens weapon what about it?"
"If u know how to make it then do so"
"Ok so hear mask and Katana got it it will be ready in maybe 2 weeks"
"Good then I'll come back In 2 weeks"
As I said that I started to leave
"Any preference for the sword?"
"Make it sharp"
Then we exited
"So now we go back or what?"
"U know this is supposed to be a date"
"I doubt u have a plan in mind"
"How much have u gone around this city?"
"I don't really go out"
"The let's explore that's a good date plus there's a festival later at night so what do u say?"
"Sure let's go"
then she took my hand and started running around as we went from store to store enjoying our date till lunch came
"So where do u wanna eat?"
"Don't know can u think of anywhere?"
"Well if we can find a restaurant that can let us cook then I can make something"
"Then I know where we can find a place like that"
"Yea then lead us there"
And so we went to a restaurant that seems to be modest not too fancy and not too bland
As we entered a waiter came and asked us
"What will it be today our chefs or u sir?"
"He will be cooking"
"Then I shall lead u to a stall for it"
As we reached the area it was quite nice and cozy there was obviously a kitchen to cook and along with the table there where a few more comfortable couches for the wait of the cooking along with quite a bit of what looked like newspapers for entertainment
"I hope u enjoy ur visit"
Then he left
"So what do have in mind?"
"Well a special kind of steak"
"Oh yeah entertain me then"
"Well it's gonna be good is all I can say"
(A/n let ur imagination take u places with what there having)
After I cooked and plated it she said
"Well I gotta say never smelled something this nice"
"Of course it's an original recipe"
Then we both dug in and she had stars in her eyes as she just smiled and ate well while looking like a chipmunk which was rather cute
"Ahhh I'm stuffed"
"What a noble woman u are"
"Shut up with know I hate all those rules"
"That u do so u up for the festival or no"
"Let's go"
And well we left payed and enjoyed then enjoyed the festival and went home
1.4k words and kinda rushed I think?

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