Chapter 8

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Menma pov
It's been a week since that little date we had if u can even call it that and now well we are going to our engagement ceremony.
The ceremony is being held in a large banquet hall lined with sliver and gold on the walls and many round tables to the side along with a few rectangle ones with food in them. The ceremony was held at night so the moon shine in along with the dim lighting that's not to low and not to high giving it a mystic feeling and well I gotta say I'm quite nervous about this just because of the way the hall looks I mean it must be quite expensive.
"You nervous?"
I looked to my side after snapping out of it to see Nari there
"Yea I mean it must be quite expensive to do all of this"
"Well I guess my parents wanted to go all out for it"
"Way to put more pressure on me"
" why are you nervous anyways?"
"Well there is something called a first dance done by the people that this ceremony is held for and I don't want to make it bad"
"*giggles* you know for a person that has that much talent in planning along with fighting prowess I didn't expect this to scare you"
"Well they do say you learn something new everyday guess it applies to all of us"
I was then cut off by the servants announcing us
"Well here goes nothing"
And so we both start walking with our hands interlocked and smiling even if this is something that's just there so we can work more freely without shackles I was pretty happy for some reason but I feel like I forgot something... oh yeah I forgot to tell u what we wearing (A/N really quick fourth wall break)
Well for me I wore a simple black tux and a white shirt under it with a white handkerchief to complement my hair. While I wore something not so expensive Nari on the other hand seemed to go all out with a long black dress that goes with her hair splitting at her legs showing off on of them along with a necklace that has a small blue diamond shaped like a tear bringing out her eyes and I feel like a lot of time was spent on her makeup add to that 1 inch black heels and earrings that also have a blue gem not sure what she was decked out.
"What see something you like?"
Well damn looks like I was staring for too long well let's play along
"Why wouldn't I when u went all out on your outfit"
She just turned her head to the side and I could see a tint of red on her ears honestly I find that side of her quite cute don't know why tho well whatever let's just get this over with

Even though I expected that people won't go easy with the insults thought they would tone it down a bit I mean I'm hearing all kinds of murmurs form everywhere of people saying we're just a couple of freaks I payed them no mind but it seems they took a toll on Nari
"Don't let them get into your head"
She turned to face me and said
"That's quite hard you know I mean a few were close friends"
"Then just probe them wrong"
"How so?"
"Stand strong with pride and power words can go a far way on your feelings but the best way to make them regret making you an enemy is showing them that your strong and won't back down without a fight"
"How are you so good at encouraging people"
She then gave a nice soft-small- but soft smile.
"Well if your encouraged then shall we have do the first dance my lady?"
I extended my hand out while bowing and she took it this got attention of the band and were going to start at my signal. And so we Walked down to the middle of the room and we'll let's say the people weren't so pleased saying something like
"Look 2 outcast that probably have no manners whatsoever I bet this is going to go quotes badly"
And so on and forth when we reached I realized that Nari was shaking or trembling
"What's wrong?"
"Well you said you were nervous on messing this up?"
"Yea what about that now I don't wanna mess up so I can actually follow your advice"
"Why are you laughing it not funny"
"Don't worry just do it like we practiced just imagine that there not there"
"Can't really do that"
"Then focus on me"
"Keep your entire focus on me and don't worry about them just concentrate on the dance and your beautiful fiancé"
"Fine I'll try"
Then with a wave the band started playing music and well let's just say she instantly got into the groove and we danced like there was no tomorrow
Random noble pov (female if your wandering)
When the music started I was anticipating both of them to fall miserably and we can have a laugh but what happened best shocked everyone here they danced perfectly in sync like they knew what the other was about to while they reached half the dance the lights suddenly went out and concentrated on them only but the light wasn't much the moonlight did most of the lighting then suddenly the atmosphere got colder and little snow flakes that shines started to trinkets down along with a small fog at the bottom of their feet. Now put all those aspects together the moon lighting them up while their white and black hair shinned under them along with the ice looking like kettle lights and them seeming to be in their own world it looked like a god and a goddess came down and started dancing in perfect harmony then their faces started to get shined in by the moonlight making their sharp features strike up the man with his filling sliver hair that reached his shoulders his piercing yet soft amethyst eyes along with a sharp jawline and a small smile in his face. And then the women with her soft and silky black hair that seemed to dance through the air her concentrated blue eyes that seemed to relax into a cheerful look and excited we all just stood there stunned until the music stopped

Short but it felt right to end it there so yea I'll try to make the next one longer see u maybe in a couple of days or maybe a week

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