Chapter 10

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Menma pov
"Understood sir I would like to know if you can use mana"
"Yes I indeed can"
"What level?"
"Alright then please fill these up and then we can go on to the test"
I took the paper and started writing in the name sloe I put kuro since most of my outfit is black and my sword plus I suck at naming(A/N yea I have shit naming skill u have any suggestions say them) after I finished I gave her my the paper.
"Okay the Mr.kuro please follow me to the testing grounds"
I nodded as I started to follow her and after walking through a hall we reached an open area. This open area was like a mini coliseum with seats in a circular motion. Anyways that doesn't matter right now
"Okay now do u know how this is going to work sir?"
"No sadly I don't"
"Oh okay it's simple we will have u fight Gerold here in a spar and he will decide if you have the qualities to adventure"
Gerold was a 6,0ft man with a slim but muscles build with healthy white skin and scars littered all across his body with his blonde wavy and long hair and green eyes that look determined. He was using a spear and the way he held and walked with the thing made him have an air of confidence and pride.
"Okay then are there any rules in this spar?"
"Yes refrain from any attacks that can cause extremely major injuries and try your best"
"Okay then shall we get started I have places to be"
She sighed as she walked in between and well either he's really busy or he was forced well there the third option of being arrogant whatever let's get this over with.
Third person pov
A woman said in the coliseum and the young man with the spear launches himself towards the teenager this caught our mc to be surprised from his speed but was able to react fast enough to block the attack aimed at his heart. He then pushed the spear back and put some distance between them. As the blonde was about to speak Menma sprinted to him with his mana already coating his body strengthening it so his already fast agility was better. The spear user quickly got ready to block Menma went low and lunged his blade upwards the other had more then enough time to block it and then move his spear in a way that made the blade that Menma had to stay locked with his spear then aimed the spear at his face and was about to thrust when Menma quickly jumped up making the spear hit the ground he then landed in it pulled his sword and was about to cut him the spear got pulled he lost his balance and as he fell he saw the spear coming for his stomach so he balanced on his hands making him in a handstand position and swiftly quick in a way that made him spin this resulted I the other to jump back to avoid the kick. Then he quickly spun and landed in his feet and with no words the spear came rushing again and as it was about to hit Menma's head he moved his head slightly for the spear to gaze it and found his opening which he used ti quickly thrust his sword this caught Gerold off guard so he ducked to avoid the hit making him fall for the trap. Menma quickly moved his leg to kick him in the stomach and succeeded in landing the hit Gerold quickly stood and backed up then cast magic and sent a wave of water towards Menma a big one but our boy wasn't scared as he had better mana control and quickly froze his face of water he then moved and rushed him he kept sensed water jets but Menma dodged every single one perfectly with minimum movement then when he reached him he put his blade to his neck and said
"I guess that's my win"
"Not yet"
Menma was confused then it made sense he let his guard down letting him get hit by a powerful water jet sending him into a wall and smashing into it

Menma pov
After getting smashed to a wall I groan as I stand up and after I get my head to stop hurting I hear
"Alright match over"
I sigh as I walk towards them to see how I did
"So do I pass or am I now up to standards?"
"No your only problem is your lack of experience and not being used to fighting stronger opponents"
"So the end result?"
"You pass kid"
As I hear that I can feel my face make a smile and I feel the excitement of going on adventures
"So do I just take quest now or what?"
"No we're gonna assign u a rank"
"Okay explanation please"
"Okay in the guild we have different ranks depending on how strong u are they range from F to S the order is F,E,D,C,B,A and then S being the strongest. As for how to advance u collect points from quest then when u get enough you can take the tank up test"
"Well that's simple"
"Indeed it is as simple is best"
"Okay so I'm starting at F?"
"No you have fighting capabilities but no experience so we'll make you E rank"
"Then please follow me to get your guild card issued"
"Right behind you"
And so after coming back and dropping a drop of blood on the card I was now officially an adventurer Well guess I should take a quest and start getting money"
"I would recommend finding a party even if temporary"
"Nah I'll be okay alone but do u have a long term quest"
"Yes there is one for E rank it works this way a merchant wants to travel across the country and he hires A rank adventurer along with lower ranking as the lower ones can learn from the higher ranking"
"Ohh and I guess it takes a while to travel the country?"
"Yes about 2years but you can leave half way"
2 years I would be 17 and I would need to come back at 18 to get into the academy
"When we stop at the cities and we plan on staying for a while can we take on simple quests?"
"Yes you can"
Okay that solves the problem this also helps me get slaves from all around good let's go with it
"Okay sign me up for the whole journey"
"Well do they set out after tomorrow at sunrise"
" okay then since I'm free for a while I would like a simple quest"
And like that after a day I will go on a long journey I should stock up tomorrow and this is just the beginning

A/n so 1.1k words short but help me I'm sleep deprived and writing the ending at 2am anyways tell me how good do I write fights and how I should fix them but for now see you in a few days or a week

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