Chapter 16

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The next morning, Akira woke before the sun was up and left for her run. She had hardly slept, the excitement and turmoil from the day prior keeping her tossing and turning all night. But now as the first rays of sunlight peeked into the sky, the excitement of finally joining the ANBU was in full force.

In anticipation for the day, Akira wore her normal mission pants and had tied her thigh holster on. She wore a simple black long-sleeve shirt and pulled her hair back into a high ponytail. She would do her run, then go to Kakashi's and from there they would walk to ANBU headquarters together.

Akira had worked for this day since before she was even really a ninja. When she was in the academy, she had always seen the gray-clad ninja running by and hiding in alleyways, long swords strapped to their backs and masks covering their faces. She thought they were so cool. She had even told her parents about her goal. Her father had been happy since he himself was in the ANBU. Her mother smiled and told her that she would have to work really hard. And that she had.

She had pushed herself harder and harder every day, pushing her body and skills to the limits. She had read as many books as she could find on different earth and water style techniques, and though she couldn't do all of them yet, she had a sizeable arsenal at her disposal. And now she was learning wind style from Kakashi, though it was much harder than learning earth or water style had been.

Akira reached Kakashi's apartment earlier than usual, and was surprised to see that he was still sleeping. She sat on the branch and waited for him to wake up. But when he didn't stir for a while, she got impatient. She rapped her knuckles on the glass. He shifted a bit, but didn't open his eyes.

She groaned and reached out to slide the window open. Akira slipped into his apartment and kicked her sandals off underneath the window. Then she crossed the room to his bed. The last time Guy and Akira had been here, they had insisted that Kakashi get an actual bed. They hadn't taken no for an answer, and had once again dragged him out to go shopping. That excursion had ended very differently than the one to get his curtains and rug. Curtains that he kept open all the time anyway. After setting up his bed, Guy and Akira had gotten into an argument about who could run faster. So they had gone to a training ground and dragged Kakashi with them. They raced, and unfortunately, Guy was indeed faster than her. But not faster than Kakashi.

"Kashi," Akira said, prodding his shoulder. He mumbled something and turned onto his side facing away from her. He had to have known it was her. If anyone else had entered his apartment they would be dead. Maybe he just recognized her smell in his sleep or something.

Akira shook his shoulder this time. "Kashi, wake up or we will be late."

He didn't even mumble anything that time.

Akira gritted her teeth together. What was his problem?

She pulled her fist back, then sent it flying at his shoulder. As soon as she made contact, she leaped backward, almost halfway across the room. Kakashi shot upright, looking around glaring with his sharingan open and ready. When his eyes landed on her, Akira grinned.

"Morning, Kashi."

He groaned and rubbed his eyes. "You're early. Get out."

"Am not. Come on, we have to be there early!"

He yawned and stretched his arms out over his head. "No."

"Grumpy. Get up and get dressed, let's go!"

Akira turned and made her way into the kitchen to start making breakfast. She pulled out two pans and dug through his refrigerator for eggs and bacon. Behind her, Kakashi slowly made his way out of bed and into his bathroom.

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