Chapter 42

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A sharp knock on her bedroom door startled Akira awake. She rubbed her eyes and pulled the covers down from over her head. She didn't even bother sensing for who the person was. "Go away, Guy." Akira snapped. She pulled the covers back over her head. But Guy knocked again, and this time he also called out to her.

"Come on, Akira, you know he wouldn't want you to stay like this. It's been three weeks! Won't you at least visit him?"

Akira didn't respond.

"Akira! Get out here, this instance!"

"No! Piss off!"

"If you don't come out here, I'm coming in."

"I said piss off!"

"I'm coming in!"

The door burst open with a bang. Akira groaned and threw the covers off of herself, right as Guy jumped on the bed.

"Ow!" She cried out. Guy had jumped right on top of her stomach.

Guy grinned and rolled over onto his back, moving his weight to her chest. "You gotta get up, or else I'll lay here all day!"

"How am I supposed to get up with you laying on me?"

His grin faded as realization dawned on him. "That's a good point. You promise you'll get up?"

Akira rolled her eyes. "I don't have a choice now, you broke my door!"

The door was split in half, one part still attached to the hinges, the other in pieces and spread across her room. Thank goodness she didn't have a studio apartment, though now she pretty much did.

Guy finally sat up off Akira. She pushed herself up as well, glaring at her friend. As much as she enjoyed occasionally training with and hanging out with Guy, he didn't always respect boundaries. He got up and threw open her curtains, blinding Akira, who had been holed up in her dark apartment for over a week. She'd barely had the energy to eat, and the only shower she'd taken Akira had had to sit down for the whole thing. It felt like all of the energy in her body was gone, replaced by a heavy feeling in her chest.

"I don't want to go, Guy." Akira clenched her jaw, willing the tears not to fall. She was largely unsuccessful. She stared down at her shaking hands, still stained with blood. It didn't matter how many times she had scrubbed at her skin, the blood stains just wouldn't come off.

Guy sat back down on the edge of her bed. "You need to go see him, Akira."

"I don't need to go anywhere."

"Please?" Guy gave her puppy dog eyes. "For me?"


He paused for a second, then spoke again, but much softer this time.

"Kakashi would want you to go."

Akira didn't respond to that. She couldn't. There were no words that even came to mind. Because he was right, and she knew it. Kakashi would want her there.

"Fine. Let me get ready."

Guy cheered and left the room, going into the kitchen so he was out of sight. Akira dragged herself out of bed, though it felt like she was moving a mountain. After taking a shower, that she sat down in, she got dressed and sluggishly made her way down the hall to her living room.

"I picked up breakfast!" Guy said loudly from the kitchen.

Akira cringed. "Not so loud!"

He lowered the bag. "Are you hungover?"

"No!" Akira snapped. Why the hell would he think that? She wasn't even old enough to buy alcohol!

After begrudgingly eating the food that he had brought, they made their way out of Akira's apartment into the warm morning air. Guy eagerly led the way, and Akira followed with her head down and hands in her pockets. This was the last thing she wanted to do right now.

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