Chapter 25

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Seek was true to his word, and got them all the next day off. Akira spent the day at the training ground working on her wind style jutsu. But the day after, they were back to it, and coming up with a plan for taking down the drug operation once and for all. Based on the information they had gathered from the nobles' houses, there were smaller operations working for the larger one in villages all throughout the Land of Fire. Danzo had tasked Team Ky with taking care of these side operatives.

Akira looked down at the map spread out over the table in front of them, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. They were in a planning room in ANBU headquarters, and for the first time in a while the entirety of Team Ky was present.

"Sir, won't they all know that the main operation has been taken out? The people involved with these smaller operations will go into hiding." Mink said, studying Seek's face.

Seek sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Yes, they will. Time is of the essence here. Thankfully we have a list of the people involved in other villages, so we can start with that. We have to eliminate all of them."

"But what if they have families?" Frog protested.

Akira gave Frog a pitiful glance. He was still new, and was pretty young too. He had been a chunin before he transferred into the ANBU, and was only fifteen years old. While he was extremely skilled with his sword and sealing jutsus, he was still getting used to the brutality that came with being in the ANBU.

"We eliminate them regardless of their circumstances." Seek responded coldly, voice unwavering. He locked eyes with Frog, who immediately backed down and turned his gaze away.

No one said a word. Akira could feel Seek's irritation in his chakra. Danzo had them operating in a gray area here. The people they were going to track down were involved with a drug operation that had been actively feeding another hidden village intel on the leaf, and they couldn't be sure who held what information. But it raised the question of innocence. They were going to dole out punishment that may not be necessary. Many of the people involved probably had families they were trying to support. It was hard to stomach for Akira too.

"There are over a dozen names on that list. What's the plan for taking care of all of them?" Bear asked, breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen.

"We will go in pairs, one pair to a village. Each pair will eliminate the threat within the village and send word back to Konoha of their progress. Then they will move to the next one. Be prepared to be away from the village for a while. Time is of the essence here."

Bear nodded. "What are the teams then?" Apprehension had crept into his voice. No doubt he was concerned about Mink and Frog, who were not as experienced as the rest of the team was.

"Bear, you and Akira will take the southern portion. Juke, you and Mink will take the northeastern, Frog and I will take the northwestern. Any objections?"

Akira and Bear locked eyes with each other and exchanged a nod. She was grateful that she had been put with him, he was a strong fighter, and had been in the ANBU longer than she had. She didn't want to have to try and coach one of the new guys.

"Decide on your route and make your preparations. I want everyone gone by dawn tomorrow at the latest. And one more thing. Make it look like an accident." Then Seek turned on his heel and left the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Akira walked around the table to stand by Bear and examine the southern region with him. They had the most ground to cover, as well as the largest number of targets. Being that they had the most experienced team, it didn't surprise her.

Juke and Mink started coming up with a plan immediately, but Frog hovered awkwardly by Akira and Bear. He had only joined the ANBU a few weeks ago and was still a bit green. Quite literally too, since his mask had green markings. He fingered a thread hanging off of his vest, eyes flitting back and forth over the map.

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