Chapter 17

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At the end of their training session for the day, Seek said that the following day was another training session. The day after would be her first mission with her new ANBU team. After the first day of training and the spar with Seek, Akira felt a little more comfortable with her new team. They accepted her into their formations and brainstormed ways to include her skills in their attacks. They worked hard, and Seek pushed them hard. Just like how Kishi had pushed Ranka, Muta, and Akira into their teamwork.

Akira had caught up with Ranka and Muta the evening of her first day. They were shocked to see her in her ANBU uniform, but not unhappy. They both congratulated her and offered to buy her dinner, which she gratefully accepted. She was starving after the full day of training. They hadn't stopped for lunch but had ended a bit early in the evening.

"So do you have a code name yet? Are you allowed to tell us?" Ranka asked excitedly.

Akira bit her lip. "I don't think I'm allowed to tell you what it is, but I do have a code name."

"What is it?"

Muta smacked Ranka's arm. "She just said she can't tell you, dummy!"

Akira giggled.

After dinner, Muta headed for home while Akira and Ranka walked around the marketplace for a bit.

"So Ranka, what are you going to do now that I'm leaving the team and going to the ANBU?" She asked him. She held her hands behind her back, with a big smile on her face. She had grown to really like Ranka and was glad that they were getting some one-on-one time. She supposed that maybe she could even call it a crush. She had started to get the butterfly feeling in her stomach when he was around, especially when he smiled at her.

Akira bumped his shoulder with hers as they came to a stop in front of a dessert shop. Ranka lifted a hand and rubbed the back of his head, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "Well, you know, I'll probably still be going on missions and stuff."

Akira cocked her head to the side, her long red hair splaying partially over her shoulder and partially down her back. She smiled wider. "Do you think you will stay partners with Muta?"

"I hope so. Though the team really won't be the same without you." He lowered his hand, brushing her upper arm as he did so. Akira's stomach flipped.

"You think so?"

Ranka nodded. Then he put an arm around Akira's shoulders. "Let's go get some dumplings to celebrate your promotion!"

Akira laughed, blushing furiously. Ranka led her into the desserts shop. After they got dumplings, they continued to walk around for a bit until Akira said she had to head home. Ranka kindly walked her home, then said goodnight and left for his own place. She skipped up the stairs, smiling brightly.

The next morning, Akira woke up early as usual to go on her run. She still had a smile on her face from the night before. Joking around with Ranka while walking through the market had been so much fun.

She pulled on her ANBU uniform, minus her mask, which she had left at ANBU headquarters. Then she gathered her weapons and headed out the door. The sword still felt strange on her back, so she wanted to run with it to get better acquainted with the feeling of carrying it. She ran her laps, then finished at Kakashi's apartment. He wasn't there, but an apple was. Akira was glad that she had packed some snacks today.

When Akira reached headquarters, there were more people around outside and inside. It wasn't as empty as it had been the day before. She met her team in the locker room and was pleased that she was not the last one to arrive. Seek was the last one through the door, and he had a surprising announcement for them.

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