The story.

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Fin pinches the crusts of the side board as I make two sandwiches. He takes his own ( the one with crusts) but I stop his hand before it reaches his mouth.
"Give me the first three figures of Pi" I say.
Fin rolls his perfect eyes and smiles that dazzling smile. "We have kissed and you still are asking me maths questions?"
I laugh. Yes it's true and he hasn't even told me other wise. Fin Harrow bloody kissed me. Right on my lips. On my LIPS. Okay Sophie calm your tits.
"Fine! 3.14"
"Correct!" I cry before shoving the sandwich into his face.
He laughs and kisses me gently. My desire to tell him burns me up and suddenly breaks through.
"I need to tell you something" I whisper. Fins eyes turn from playful to worried and he follows me to the living room. I sit on the sofa and Fin sits next to me. I lean my head on fins chest and begin my story.
"My Dan and brother are dead, you know that?"
Fin nods.
"Okay. I need to tell you how they died. Its eating me up. My mum was having an affair with someone from work. My dad found out. He screamed at her for about an hour before demanding this guys address. I don't know why but my mum gave it to him. He ran to the car and my brother tried to stop him from going. He got in the car to, to try and calm him down. They crashed about two minutes away from our house. Both where killed on impact. The police said it would of been painless but I know he was lying to keep mum from feeling any worse. She blames her self you know."
I glance at fin who kisses my forehead.
"I know it's not her fault. I know it's not. Dad is the one that went off in a rage and he's the reason my brother got in the car but on the other hand, neither of them would of got I the car if mum hadn't been cheating"
Fin sighs "I don't know what to say, Sophie. I agree with you p. With your way. It's s joint fault but I can't pick a side."
"My brother was gay, by the way. He told me first but I kind of already knew. We had a bond.a special bond
We still do. His boyfriend at the time moved away after the crash, said he had to move on. I can't move on"
Tears form slowly in my eyes.
"One more thing" I mutter. "Those people in the car you thought were chasing you that night. Well that was my Dad and my brother. The crashed about two hundred meters from your entrance to the shack. "
My eyes are now completely covered in tears and when I blink,they rush down my cheeks, creating little paths for the others to follow. We sit I silence.
"Thank you for telling me" Fin whispers "who else knows?"
"Only Dan. We were best friends when it happened. He hasn't told anyone" I sob.
"You didn't have to tell me" Fin soothes.
"I did. It w...was eating me up. I ... I needed to tell someone and I trust you Fin, I really do"
"Will you trust me even more if I become you boyfriend" he blurts.
I stop crying out of pure shock. Fins eyes are wide. He didn't mean to say that.
"I'm sorry" he mutters. "I was to quick, I'm sorry"
"Yes" I whisper "yes I want to be your girlfriend"
Fins cheeks stop turning red and fade back to normal colour.
"But I think we should keep it a secret. I'm sorry Fin but the girls would bully me even more. And you know it"
Fin nods sadly. "We can tell the boys and Gwen though" he says and I nod.
I heave my body up a little and wrap my arms around Fins neck. Slowly I lean in and kiss him. He responds and we work together.
I don't know how long it lasts but it lasts. And I love it all most as much as I love Fin Harrow which is the amount I love Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough. Which is a lot.
Here's to forever.

Punch Above Your WeightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora