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Too many people die in is world. Too many young people. Too many old people. Too many innocent people. Too many guilty people and right now I'm praying to all that is holy that Fin Harrow will not join the ever growing army of the once loved. Of the always loved. Of the missed. Of the dead.
Fins breaths are shallow and pained. My small hand strokes his larger one.
Tears roll down my cheeks. It's my fault. It's my fault he's here. If he wasn't going to see ME this would never of happened.
The monitors beep steadily and seam to fade into the background.
"I'm so sorry" I whisper. "I'm sorry. Okay. I'm so sorry. I love you Fin. I love you to the end of this world. You love me too and I ignored that. I thought you had moved on. Making plans with that... And I over reacted. I love you Fin and if you dare leave me I swear to god I'll kill you."
I stand up slowly and kiss fin on his unresponsive lips like they do in the movies but unlike the movies, Fin doesn't stir.
My shaking hand brushes away the hair from his forehead.
"I'm going to go now. I'll be back in a bit okay? I'm just going to get some coffee"
I smile softly at the unconscious boy and then walk out of the ward.
The boys are waiting outside, now joined by a worried looking Gwen. Gwen gasps when she sees my tear ridden face and I shake my head.
"It's okay. He's not dead"
Gwen hugs me, her stomach now protruding a little. Only a little.
"Let's go get some coffee" she says, linking my arm.
I smile at the boys and follow Gwen down to the coffee shop.

"So how's Ben with the baby?" I ask when we sit down, each with a steaming cup in our hands. Gwen smiles.
"He's okay with it. A little shocked at first but he said that if I wanted to keep it, he will help me look after it"
I smile at my best friend sadly "you know, that will mean dropping out of school, not going to collage and stuff"
Gwen shakes her head firmly and stares me straight in the eye. "I'm not going to be another statistic" she says and I grin at her. "I'm going to have this baby. I'm going to go to collage. I'm going to go to university and I'm going to be a doctor"
I smile again. "I know you are"
We talk like normal for a long time. For hours.
We smile and laugh and gossip like all girls do because in the end there are not categories. There are girls, boys and everything in between. Three categories and not one of them are named nerd, birch or jock. Everyone is the same. Except for some people 'same' is harder to accomplish.

Suddenly, we both see Ben running down towards us. A smile lights up his features.
"He's awake!" Ben says, happiness filling his voice. I feel my mouth moving upwards and I squeak happily.
"I'm going to go now!" I say happily before running away from the expecting parents.
The hospital corridors zoom past me and soon I reach the ward.
Now another bed is occupied, by a small boy who is surrounded by his family.
I go over to Fin bed and pull back the curtains. Fin is sitting upwards, a nurse dabbing his face, trying to clean his wounds.
Dan, Keith, and Paul are standing around his bed while Fin tells a account of what happened with added sound effects.
"And the car just cam like zzzzzzoooooooommmmm out of nowhere and I was just like Bbbbbhhhhhaaaannnnnggg all over it and... Oh hey floor girl"
Fins eyes meets mine and he smiles sheepishly.
"Hey guys, I heard there's a real fit coffee server down in the shop. You wanna go check her out" Dan says trying to give us some alone time but oblivious to the situation between Keith and Phil.
The nurse leaves.
They both shuffle awkwardly. My eyes play over to once couple and I smile at both of their embarrassed expressions. Keith's going to come out to the group! I just bloody know it!
After an silent minute so,e one makes the first word.
"Hey guys, there's something I need tell you" Phil says. This blows my imaginary plan out of the water. I swear if this guy embarrasses my Keith in front of everyone I'll chop his balls off and keep them in a jar.
Then Phil's shaking hand reaches down and grabs Keith's.
"I love Keith. I love him and I was scared to love him because I'm an idiot. And I'm sorry Keith. I really am"
The company, including Gwen and Ben who arrived in the last thirty seconds, gasping .
Keith's on the other hand blushes in a utterly cute way and then turns to face Phil. And then they are kissing.
There is stunned silence when they finally break apart but then Fin starts clapping an whooping.
"Guys! My OTP!" He yells and we all laugh.
I grin at the pair, both are now as red as tomatoes.
Then Dan clears his throat, a smirk playing on his lips. "So I guess you don't want to see this super hot girl down in the coffee shop?"
"I do!" Ben yells, almost to excited. Gwen slaps him hard on the arm before pointing to her belly.
Ben coughs, embarrassed.
"Well, I still want a coffee" Keith says and the others agree.
"I'm going to stay here" I say quietly.
The guys nod before walking away.
Then it's just us. Fin Harrow and me. I stand at the foot of his bed, not making eye contact. Fin plays with the top of the hospital blanket before glancing up.
"I heard you talking to me" he says.
"You heard?"
"Well, more like I remembered. When I woke up it was like a distant memory"
I smile slightly. "I ment want I said"
"I know you did. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Sophie I love you so much" "Where were you going?" I ask wanting to know for sure.
"I was coming to see you. I love you Sophie. I really do and I never want you to leave my side"
I smile again but this time more powerfully. "I love you too Fin" I whisper before going to sit next to Fins bed. "But don't you ever do that again"
"What the making plans with Zoe or the crashing the bike?"
I stare into Fins perfect eyes.
My face inches towards his.
"Both" I breathe before kissing Fin with the most meaning I have ever experienced.
And then I know. I know he's mine forever. And ever. And ever.


Hey guys, I hope your enjoying the book I love writing it. It's nearly finished now but I would love you to tell me what your thoughts are on it. And not just by votes (although I love votes) I also would like so comments if that's okay.
Lots of love
Charlotte xxxx

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