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I knock twice of Gwen's door. She opens it slowly and then rings her self onto me.
"Hey, hey it's okay" I soothe into her hair.
She sobs rattling
sobs that make me want to cry. But I don't. I have to stay strong. For Gwen.
"Come in" she mutters, rubbing tears from her eyes.
We set up camp in the living room and open the first tub of ice rest and put on the order of the Phoenix in the beach ground.
Gwen laughs at this. "Trust you to bring Harry Potter"
I smile. "Potters important. But not as important as this. Come on, spill the beans"
Gwen sighs. "About one month ago, when Ben and I we not together, we had a one night stand. That's why we got on so well. And it was my first time. It also go me bloody pregnant. I did he tests bout a week ago. I missed my period you see. And now, now I don't know what to do."
Me now Gwen is crying. I crawl over to her and hug her tightly.
"Does Ben know?"
Gwen shakes her head.
"Then you tell him. Tomorrow invite him round before school and tell him. "
Gwen nods again.
"And if he's going to be a dick about it, I will be the daddy. I will come with you for every appointment. I will help you choose weather to keep it or not. I will help you pick names for it. You will be okay. I know you will"
Gwen smiles at me.
"Does your mum know?"
"Yeah, I told her is morning. She was so good about it but she has to work now. Dad won't care. I haven't talked to him in years"
Gwen's father ran off about five years ago. She hasn't talked to him since.
"That's good, that's so good. And my mum will help to. If you want that is."
Gwen nods.
"Have you told Toby?"
Toby is Gwen's 25 year old brother p. Him and his wife have a little girl.
Gwen nods again. "Him and Melissa were so happy for me. I don't know why everyone is so happy. Is could ruin my life"
I shake my head. "Gwen, what's your talent?"
"And you can sell your art no matter what. You will be okay!"
"I know I will, but I don't know. I have to talk to Ben about it. I want to ask him about it. We can talk about the baby. Maybe it will work out."
I smile a weak smile at Gwen.
"Potter?" I say.
"Potter" she says as she scoops up the biggest spoonful of ice cream I have ever seen and shoves it into her mouth.
A few movies and two tubs of ice cream later, I say goodbye.
Gwen's mum, who has come back drives me home.
When I get in the house, I go starlight to mum.
"Guess what!" I say.
"What?" She replies.
"Gwen's pregnant!" I say. Mum drops her phone onto the table.
"What?! Pregnant?!"
I nod.
"Oh my god!"
I nod again.
I glance at my phone.
You have a new text from Fin ❤️: hope everything is okay
I reply: everything's okay. ❤️
Fin: can you tell me what happened? ❤️
Me: not yet. Sorry. Soon, I can but not yet ❤️
Fin: okay see you tomorrow ❤️
I smile at my phone.
"Who's that?" Mum asks.
"My boyfriend "
I nod.
"Oh my god all the girls are growing up"

Sorry for he short chapter.
Check out my other story head over heels in fake

Charlotte xxxxxx

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