Slammed Doors

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I'm at my girlfriend's house. We're messing around in her room,just having fun like kids should. Without a care in the world. We're laughing about how maya hit herself in the face on accident when we hear a loud boom. I see Maya flinch. I know exactly what the sound was. A door slamming. My parents never stop fighting so the sound of doors being slammed is very familiar to me. I immediately get uneasy as I always do when people are fighting,especially adults. I don't let my uneasiness show,because I can see Maya is trying not to get small. My number one priority is always Maya before myself. I know that probably isn't how it should be but I've always been able to take care of myself. I'm perfectly fine hiding my fear to comfort Maya.

At first i think maybe the argument is over. That the slammed door was the ending. I was quickly proven wrong. I could hear faint yelling not even 30 seconds after the door was slammed. I see Maya fighting tears. As soon as I notice it's like my body takes over. I scoot closer to her and take her hand. I softly ask her what she wants me to do. I don't want to crowd her or trigger her into panic mode. Instead of answering she gets up and walks to her bed, when she gets there she lays down on her back. She pats the bed singaling me to follow suit. I quickly get up and walk over to her. I lay down on my back. Her bed is really comfortable. I love it so much but now is not the time to admire her bed. Maya puts her head on my chest,and pulls me closer. I wrap my arms around her making sure she knows she's safe. She lets out a contented sigh and buries her head into my chest even more. I play with her hair while talking about nothing. All I want to do is distract her from the faint yelling coming from the other side of the wall. Eventually the yelling fades but that doesn't mean Maya feels better. I gently rub her back until she's ready to talk.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"Don't worry I'm used to it. Are you okay?" I speak gently as I don't want to trigger her.

"Yeah, I just hate listening to that. I don't know why, but it scares me."

"Yeah it's scary. My parents fight a lot too so I think I know how you feel." i don't go into detail about how helpless I feel when they're yelling. How all I want to do is tell them to stop. How i'm scared that if i do the wrong thing at the wrong time my dad will yell at me too. How every time he's mean to my stepmom I just want to step in and protect her. I know how it all feels so so so unfair. I don't say any of that because I don't want to trigger her tears.

Maya just quietly hums in response. I decide to add one more thing.

"You can always talk to me about it if you want."

I feel her nod against me while cuddling closer. I hold her like that for hours. At some point we go back to talking about nothing important,but we don't laugh as much. 

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