Midnight Date

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It's 1:30 am. She told me to meet her at two. I better get out of here now if I want to be on time. My parents are asleep. Even if they weren't I know they wouldn't give two fucks if I left. I pull on my favorite baggy hoodie that I know she likes. I walk out of my room and down the stairs already starting to get the nervous flutter I get every time I go out to see her.

I start the short walk down to Walmart. I've never been to her house. My parents don't like her, her parents don't like me, so we sneak out if we want to be together after school.

I speed walk to Walmart with my head down. I don't want to be stopped by any creeps on the way to her.

As soon as I get to Walmart I see her sitting on a curb in the parking lot. I checked the time its 2:55. I smile to myself. She's always early.

"How long have you been here?" I ask her, even I can hear the smile in my voice. I hope she can feel it too.

"Just a few minutes." She smiles that perfect smile at me.

"Okay well do you wanna go for a walk or something?"

"Yeah sure let's go." I put my hand out to help her up but she just pushes herself up instead. I laugh. Never one to accept help from others.

She grabs my hand and starts running down the sidewalk. I quickly started running too. After five minutes we're somewhere random,breathless,and laughing.

"What should we do?" I ask her curiously, she always has an idea when she's the one that asks me to sneak out.

"I know a place that has a ladder that leads up to the roof."

"YES can we now?" I'm already excited for this.

"Of course dummy we're already here. Did you really think I would just run somewhere random?"

"I guess not."

She turns around and points at a somewhat new apartment building right behind me. I smile and start running. I almost instantly hear her footsteps behind me. I'm on the top of the building in less than a minute. As soon as I get up there I see a blanket and champagne. I turn around to see her breathlessly coming up the stairs.

"You couldn't have waited?" She playfully asks.

"No, I'm excited. Did you really get here early enough to set this up?"

"Yeah, you know I'm always prepared. Plus all you've been talking about lately is wanting champagne so I got some."

"Oh my god okay you did not need to do that. I totally could've waited. I'm not complaining though so come here."

I grab her hand and pull her into me. She's shorter so I put my cheek on top of her head. I pull away after a few seconds. Her smile is so big it looks like it hurts.

"What was that for?"

"Cause your the fucking best and I love you now come on." I drag her to the blanket and sit down. She sits down too. She opens the champagne and pours both of us a glass.

After a few minutes she puts her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her. We sit like that for about a half hour just watching the lights of the city underneath us. Eventually I look up at the sky and see tons of stars.

"Millie," I whisper. "Look" Millie looks up at the sky and gasps. "Holy shit I've never seen the sky so clear"

"I know me neither" I lay down pulling her with me. She puts her head on my chest and we stay like that for the rest of the night just watching the stars. Eventually we fall asleep. I wake up to see her sprawled all over the place,the top half of her body on top of me. I laugh at the sight. 

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