16) Gemini, Won't You Meet Me Eye To Eye?

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I jumped on my bed, buried my head in the pillow and closed my eyes, sighing loudly.

I counted on my fingers... this was my third day. Which means I've got four more days to change things or my parents will 'figure what to do', to quote my father. It'd be a lie if I said I wasn't scared.

I felt a fluffy hair tickling my chin and scrunched my face. Home sweet home...

I opened my eyes to see my cat, Frodo, rubbing his head against my shoulder, meaning he wanted cuddles. I grinned and set him on my lap, and started petting it. It felt like his weight was increasing, he was already a giant cat to be honest.

"You're the one I'm gonna miss the most when I find my place." I said as he purred, causing me to chuckle. Aww, he was so adorable. I also had a horse Baldo, but my parents let me see him like once or twice a week, in the weekend. My cousins kept him for me, since they owned a horse-riding school.

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to go visit him and have a small ride... I checked the time: 7.30 pm. It was a bit late but who cares, I had often had nocturnal rides before, I didn't mind having late night walks either. And it's not like the area was dangerous.

I got up and packed my bag, putting a bottle of water, my Canon camera, my I-pod and my notebook in. I exited my room, making my way to the stairs.

"Dad!" I called.

"In the kitchen!" He responded. I walked down the stairs and headed to the kitchen to find my dad making some coffee. Coffee at night? He probably needed to work 'til late night, I shrugged it off.

"Lynn, your mother's taking a nap, don't yell." He lectured and I internally sighed.

"Sorry." I said as he placed his cup on the kitchen's table and took a seat.

"I was wondering if you could drive me to the cousins' stables. I wanted to visit Baldo and-"

"No way, Lynn. It's late, I don't have time, I'm sorry." he replied, taking a long sip of the hot coffee. I reluctantly nodded my head and quickly thought of another solution.

"Can I call my friends? Maybe they could drive me." I suggested and he almost choked on his coffee. He placed the cup back on the table and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Friends? Who are they?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes dad, I do have friends. Is it that absurd?" I snapped in annoyance and crossed my arms.

"They're nice people, you can trust me on that. So, can I call them?"

"How am I supposed to trust someone I don't know-"

"I said you can trust me!" I pleaded. He ran a hand through his bit of messy hair and sighed. He usually didn't have messy hair, my parents always tried to look perfect, I guess it was because of the recent stress.

"Okay. I'll tell your mother. When are you planning on being back?"

"I was thinking that maybe I could spend the night at their house." I shrugged and he nodded.

"Tell the family that we say hi."

"I will. Bye dad." I finished and he waved at me as I grabbed my leather jacket and the keys. As soon as I left the house, I typed my cousin's number to tell her I was coming over. She picked up after a few rings.

"Hello?" She replied with her strong accent. By her tone, I could tell she didn't even check the ID. It was easy for her to get distracted.

"Hey, Jen. Mind if I come visit you?"

Keep An Open Mind {Lynn Gunn}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora