Chapter 7

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Piper was released once everything was confirmed with Jayden and Finn. She visited Finn and Jayden before she left back to her fiancée. Charlie sighed as she sat at the kitchen table. She had no more leads. The trail was cold.

"Charlie?" She looked up as Finn entered.


"Any leads?" He asked.

"No," Charlie snapped. Courtney had been gone for almost twenty-four hours. Charlie sighed and rubbed her eyes. "I've got nothing."

"Why not try to get some sleep?" Finn suggested, "I heard it helps."

"No. I can't rest while Courtney is missing," Charlie said, shaking her head. She looked at the photos in front of her. Picture of the house. There wasn't a print left behind or anything indicate she was taken.

"Aunt Charlie." Amanda's sleepy voice made Charlie scramble to pick up the photos. Amanda stood in the archway of the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. Jayden stood next to her.

"I need to head home and grab a bag. Amanda needs to sleep. I'll come visit again in the morning." Jayden said.

Charlie nodded and picked up the little girl. "Let's get you to bed," she said. Amanda rested her head on Charlie's shoulder as she drifted off.

Jayden left with Finn and Charlie made her way to her room. She changed Amanda into some PJs, trying to not awaken the sleeping child. She tucked Amanda in and left the room. She sighed as she walked back into the kitchen.

The house was quiet. Mace and Don had already gone to bed and Robert was still at the station. Carol had taken another shift and was working until midnight. Charlie gathered the photos into the folder and walked into her room. She sat on the floor next to Amanda as she slept.

Before Charlie knew it, she was drifting off into the darkness of sleep.


The sleep didn't last long. The sound of crying awoke Charlie. She shot up from her sitting position. Amanda was curled up in a ball, soft sniffles coming from her form. Charlie gently reached out for the little girl. "Amanda?" Charlie said quietly.

Amanda uncurled slightly. She looked at Charlie before launching herself into Charlie's arms. "I had a bad dream. A bad man came for mommy," Amanda cried. Charlie softly hummed as she rocked her back and forth.

Amanda's cries softened and quieted. She rested against Charlie, once again drifting off into sleep. Charlie stayed awake, still rocking the little girl. She felt even more determination to find Courtney.

Around one in the morning, the door of the house opened. Charlie reached for the gun on her nightstand. She knew Carol would be home late, but with Courtney missing, Charlie wouldn't take any chances.

"Charlie?" The sound of Carol's voice entered the room as the door opened. She spotted her niece on the bed and walked over to her. "How is everything?"

"No leads," Charlie said, "Amanda's terrified. She had a nightmare about it."

"Do you think she knows enough to identify a suspect?" Carol asked, stroking Amanda's hair.

"I don't want to put her in that situation," Charlie said. "Amanda's already scared, I don't want her to become more scared."

Carol nodded, "I understand. I'm sure we will find Courtney."

Charlie's phone began to ring and she reached over. "Frendsen," she said.

"Charlie?" The sound of Robert's voice alerted Charlie. "We found Courtney's car."


This is a shorter chapter, but something big is going to happen in the next chapter. ❤️

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