Chapter 19

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"I can't believe we are doing this." Charlie sat in the front seat of Charlie's car. Through much discussion, Finn had convinced Charlie to move in with him. Charlie was officially moving in today. Carol and Robert had understood Charlie's need to move and have her own space and they both approved of Finn.

Finn's hand rested on her thigh as he drove. "I can. This is all part of the plan."

"What plan?"

Finn smirked and kissed my hand, "the plan of making you my wife." Charlie gasped slightly.

Although they were serious, marriage had not been part of the discussion. Charlie felt she needed more time to adjust to her new job and to get settled in before thinking of marriage. Truth be told, she didn't mind the idea.

They pulled to a stop outside Finn's house. Charlie hadn't brought much from San Francisco and only had a couple belongings. They pulled the boxes from the back of Charlie's car. They hadn't taken Finns car as it wasn't big enough in the backseat.

Charlie pushed the door open as Finn led her to his room. Their room. He sat the boxes down and turned to Charlie. He embraced just for a moment. Wanting to hold her. "I've cleared space for you in the closet. There should be plenty of room."

"Thanks. This means a lot to me," Charlie said, holding him tighter. As Finn's phone began to ring, Charlie broke the embrace and moved towards the boxes. Finn took the call as Charlie began unpacking.

"Charlie, I have to go, but I'll be back as soon as possible," Finn said. He moved towards her and kissed her forehead. "I love you!" He called after him.

"I love you too." Charlie began to focus on the task of unpacking. She wanted everything settled in. She had brought some kitchen appliances and once she was done with her clothes, she moved to the kitchen.

She had just finished settling things in when her phone rang. "Hello?" She answered.

"Charlie?" Carol said, "I think you left some flowers here."

Charlie's eyebrow creased, "I didn't leave any flowers at your house. I didn't have any flowers."

"There's a card with your name on it. I'm not sure of the sender. Do you think it could be Finn?" Carol asked.

"I don't think so. I'm not sure why he would send flowers to your house. He knew I was moving in today." Charlie ran a hand over her face. She felt herself begin to tense. "I'll ask him about it."

After saying goodbyes, Charlie hung the phone up and dialed Finn's. "Hey baby." He answered.

"Did you-" Charlie stopped, feeling on edge, "did you send me flowers?"

"No. Was I supposed to?" Finn asked. Although his tone was joking, Charlie could tell he was curious.

"Aunt Carol found a bouquet of flowers with my name on them. They weren't sent here and I have no idea who could've sent them. I just wanted to check before I got worried," Charlie explained.

"Was there anything else found?" Finn asked. "What if it's your ex?"

"Brody left back to San Francisco. He still has a job there." Charlie said. She had run over the thought of Brody sending them, but he wasn't one to do things on a small level. "I'm sure it's fine. Maybe it's from Courtney."

"Alright. I'll be home soon." Finn said.

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." They hung up the phone and Charlie moved to the kitchen. She finished unpacking before she left the house. She quickly texted Finn, letting him know she was leaving.

Charlie arrived at Courtney's house a few minutes later. "Aunt Charlie!" Amanda said, embracing Charlie's legs.

"Hey girlie," Charlie replied.

"Mommy!" Amanda called, "Aunt Charlie came to see me!" Amanda ran into the kitchen and Charlie followed behind. She assumed that was where Courtney was. Charlie assumed right. Courtney was at the island, rolling out dough.

"Hey Charlie," Courtney greeted. "Are you all moved in?"

Courtney was one of the first people to know Charlie was moving. She had been extremely supportive and helped with packing up her things. "Yep. Just finished."

"You moved?" Amanda asked, her lips pulled into a cute frown. "Are you leaving?" Amanda's frown turned into a pout before her bottom lip quivered.

Charlie took the little girl into her arms. "No, I'm leaving." Charlie said, trying to comfort the small child.

"Aunt Charlie lives with Uncle Finn now," Courtney explained. "She is Uncle Finn's girlfriend."

"Are you and Uncle Finn gonna get married?" Amanda asked, "and have kids? You should have a girl." Charlie laughed.

"Girls are the best," she said. She didn't want to balntly say no as the decision of their relationship wasn't at the marriage level yet, but she didn't want to break the little girl's heart. Being vague seemed the best approach.

Amanda babbled on about babies and girls. She ended up running from the room. "I saw the flowers from Finn." Courtney said. At Charlie's confused expression, Courtney elaborated, "at Aunt's house. They were beautiful. I have to know where Finn got them."

"Finn didn't get me those flowers." Charlie said, feeling herself getting panicky. "I'm not sure who sent them."

"Was it Brody?"

"I don't think so. He moved back to California. He realized I was serious with Finn and left. I want to believe it was him. Maybe it was someone from my job. Maybe that's it." Charlie said. She really wanted it to be true. It would warrant talking about private lives, but then it would be over and done with.

"Maybe." Courtney said.

"Anyways, how are you and the little one?" Charlie asked. Courtney was around two months pregnant as of now. She wasn't showing quiet yet.

"Morning sickness is much worse with this one than with Amanda." Courtney sighed but laughed. "I'll just be happy when I get past that part like I did with Amanda." Courtney rubbed her hand over her stomach.

"I can't wait to meet them," Charlie said. "It's going to be a very important day." Charlie had missed the first four years of Amanda's life and she wanted to be a part of the life of this new addition to the family.

"Courtney?" Charlie recognized the voice of Jayden as the door opened.

"Daddy!" Amanda went flying past the kitchen and towards her father. Jayden entered the kitchen a moment later with Finn following behind him.

"Hey," Charlie greeted. Finn came behind her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Uncle Finn," Amanda said, her tone stern. "I heard that Aunt Charlie is your girlfriend. Is that true?" Finn glanced at Charlie before he nodded. Amanda broke into a grin. She then began to ramble about true love and Disney princesses. "Do you love Aunt Charlie?" Amanda asked.

"Yes, I do." Finn replied. Amanda's smile grew wider. She seemed to beam. She began to ramble again as Finn nodded.

Charlie looked outside, the sun was just beginning to set and darkness was settling over the town. "We better get going," Charlie said, standing. "It's getting late."

"Can I come see you?" Amanda asked.

"Of course, maybe tomorrow." Charlie hadn't wanted to move in during the week as they both had work, so they waited until the weekend, moving on the saturday.

The couple exited the house, after saying their goodbyes, and made their way to their cars. "Where's your car?" Charlie asked, noticing Finn's car wasn't in the driveway.

"I got a cab. I figured you'd have your car and I didn't want to drive alone," he quickly kissed Charlie lips as he held the passenger door open for her. Charlie climbed in and watched as he made his way around the car to the driver's side door. She smiled as he started the car and backed out of the driveway. As they got going on the road, he settled his hand on her thigh, a regular occurrence since they began dating.

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