Chapter 13

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Charlie returned home that night exhausted and drained. She had truly tried to get her work done, but she couldn't. Everytime she interview someone, she left on the brink of a panic attack. She hadn't gotten much done in the eight hours she had been there.

Charlie walked to her bedroom. She would need to search for a place to stay for permanently. She loved living with her cousins, but she didn't want to impose. Charlie flopped onto her bed. If she kept having these episodes, she wouldn't be able to do her work.

The mere thought of solving another missing persons case made her heart race. Robert had met with Charlie and offered her counciling. All officers had a therapist it seemed. Charlie hadn't been on the force long enough to truly need one.

She drifted off to sleep, memories of Courtney's disappearance heavy on her mind.

_ _ _

Four Weeks Later

Charlie had to quit.

She had tried to push through and work but she was falling behind. She hadn't been fast enough and both cases she had tried to work on, ended up with their bodies being found.

Charlie was harming people and she needed to leave or more people would suffer. She'd have to find a job, but it was better than the constant panic attacks she suffered from.

Charlie entered Robert's office. He sat behind his desk looking over a folder. "Charlie!" He greeted. "What can I do for you?"

Charlie played with her hands. "Um, I can't work here anymore." She pushed the words out. Robert stilled and set down the file.

"You want to quit?" Robert asked. His tone was angry or accusatory, mostly curious.

"Yes. With Courtney's accient i've realized I can't work here." Charlie said. "I want to help people recover and get back into the world."

"You want to go back to college?" Robert asked.

"No." During Charlie's seven years away, she had gone to college and gottena degree in criminal psycology. "I already have my degree, I'd just need to find a job."

"I can talk with the board of this area, they might be looking for something." Robert offered.

"I already have some interviews set up. Hopefully one of those will help me." Charlie replied. "I'm really sorry. I just can't work here anymore."

Robert nodded, "I understand. I will look forwards to working with you when you work with the criminals I arrest." He wasn't mad. That was a hopefull sign. She had only been at the staton for a month and was already leaving. It was for the best.

"I'll clear out my office." Charlie said. "I haven't been assigned any cases since the body came back from the Smith case."

Robert nodded solemnly. "Even though you don't work here, you can use the therapist offered by the station. It might help you."

"I'll think about it," Charlie replied, standing from her seat. She said her goodbyes and walked back to her office, gathering the little things she had.

She left the station and headed home. Her stomach churned. She had been sick for the past few days and feared she was becoming sick. Charlie's interviews weren't until next week. In the meantime, she had began working at the local cafe. She wanted to put more money in her savings account.

She would begin work tomorrow. Today, she would visit Courtney and tell about quitting the police force. She had spoken with Carol the evening before about quitting and had gotten support.

Charlie dropped off her things then headed to Courtney's house. Courtney was playing Amanda when Charlie arrived. Toys were scattered around the floor and Amanda moved from each thing. Courtney stood to greet Charlie with a hug. She had a small bump, just beginning to show the signs of a baby.

"We are hoping for a boy, but Jayden wouldn't mind another little girl." Courtney said. She spoke of her morning sickness and how it wasn't so bad, only throwing up a few times a week.

"Had Jayden began on the nursery?" Charlie asked.

"A little bit. He has began to clear one of the rooms out. We are turning one of the guest bedrooms." Courtney said.

"Sounds fun," Charlie said. Courtney had wanted kids years before she could date. She wanted to get married young so she could have a houseful of kids. Charlie was not the same. She wanted to stabilize her career then find someone to settle down with. She didn't want to rush into marriage.

She wanted to have a long lasting marriage filled with love. Charlie didn't doubt that Jayden and Courtney loved each other, but Charlie had never seen a couple like her sister and brother-in-law. Their love once in a lifetime.

"So, have you talked with Finn?" Courtney asked, smirking.

Things had been awkward the few times they had spoken. Charlie had regained her memories of that night and needless to say, she was mortified. "Not a lot." Charlie replied.

"Have you guys spoken about that night?" Courtney asked, handing Amanda a princess doll.

"Of course not," Charlie scoffed, "we can barely hold a less than awkward conversation." Courtney nodded thoughtfully. "I know that look," Charlie groaned, "please don't meddle."

"I'm not! Jayden and I are just having a get together this weekend and I was going to invite you anyways!" Courtney defended herself. "It won't be just the four of us. We have some of Jayden's coworkers coming too."

"Courtney," Charlie groaned out.

"You don't even have to speak to him! Just come and hang out," Courtney said, her tone hopeful.

"Fine." Charlie grumbled out. "I'll come."

"Yay!" Courtney cheered. "You can bring the drinks! Amanda is going to be watched by Aunt Carol and Uncle Robert, so you can get the good stuff."

"You mean alcoholic stuff," Charlie deadpanned. Courtney shrugged innocently. Charlie laughed lightly.

"Just get me some nonalcoholic stuff." Courtney placed a hand on her stomach. "Can't jeopardize this little guy."

Charlie nodded in agreement. "I'll pick up some soda and lemon water."

Courtney groaned and leaned back. "Do you by chance have any buffalo wings?"

"Not at the moment," Charlie said, slightly surprised by the question.

"I'm suddenly craving them."

"I can run out and grab a bag." Charlie offered.

"It's fine. I'll call Jayden and ask him to pick some up on his way back."

"Is he working late?" Charlie asked. It was already five.

"He should be heading home at six. He said he can finish any work on Saturday if he needs to." Courtney smiled lovingly.

Charlie stayed with Courtney until Jayden arrived with the buffalo wings. Amanda rushed to the door when he entered. Jayden greeted his wife with a kiss and then placed his hand on Courtney's stomach.

"How's the baby?" Jayden asked.

"We are alright," Courtney said. Charlie watched the two. This was the love she wanted.

Charlie said quick goodbyes before taking her leave. She headed back home just in time for dinner. Mace and Don talked about their upcoming game against their school rivals.

For these brief moments, the laughter and family environment chased away any loneliness Charlie had.


Hey guys!


This a update just because its New Year. I will post tomorrow for the normal updates.


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