Chapter 21

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Charlie exited the building two days later. She had a day full of appointments and meeting some clients. Her feet had begun to ache from the heels she wore. She made her way to her car, ready to go home and take a warm bath to relax. SHe stopped as she approached her car. A slip of paper was tucked under her windshield wipers. A ticket.

She groaned and placed her bag in the passenger seat before grabbing the paper. She hadn't illegally parked or broke any laws. She unfolded the paper. It wasn't a ticket. It seemed to be a letter. She felt her blood drain at the words.

My dearest love,

I have watched from the shadows for too long. I have wanted to meet you again but I have realized you have moved on. That won't do. I love you and I want you. You are mine and not his. I will get you to be mine again.

Charlie felt a cold shiver run over her. Her heart rate picked up as she read over the words again. The note wasn't signed and it seemed to have been typed. Charlie locked her doors as she looked around. The parking lot was empty and the sun was setting. An eerie feeling fell over her as she pulled from the parking lot.

Charlie was on edge. Every movement and every car had her jumping. She arrived home to see Finn's car in the driveway. She felt a sense of relief, knowing that she wouldn't be alone in the house. She entered the house.

"Finn!" She called out, the note clenched in her hand. Her hands were still shaking.

"Hey baby," Finn said, coming from the kitchen. His smile dropped at Charlie's expression. Charlie threw herself into his arms. She held him tightly. "Whats wrong?" He asked.

Charlie held up the note, "I found it on my car." She whispered out. She felt safe in Finn's arms and didn't want to move from them.  She felt Finn tense as he read the note.

"Is this the first time this has happened?" Finn asked.

"I think so. Now that I think about it, those flowers might've been part of this." Charlie said.

"Lets go into the kitchen, I'll call Robert." Finn led Charlie to the kitchen and sat her at the island. Charlie noticed the mail that Finn had picked up. She flipped through it until she found a large envelope with her name on it. She broke the seal and looked inside. Pulling out the papers inside, Finn returned to the kitchen, his phone in his hand.

He seemed to have already called Robert. Charlie paused and the papers slipped from her hands. They were photos. Photos of her. In many it was at work or her walking to her car. One was of her and Courtney exiting the hospital after Courtney was found. Finn had notcied Charlie's frozen state and moved towards her. His eyes found the photos as they sat in front of her. He began to talk faster to Robert.

A few minutes later, Robert showed up. Finn held Charlie as he relayed the information. Charlie heard only a couple words. She was in shock. "I'll have some officers visit her work and see if we can get any securtiy footage. Maybe there is something on those. I'll need to look into your home secruity system. Some of the photos seemed to have been taken around here." Robert said.

They continued talking as Carol and Courtney arrived. Some officers also arrived. Courney comforted Charlie as the other made plans. "Do you have any idea who this could be?" A uniformed officer asked.

"No, I don't have any enemies." Charlie replied.

"What about ex's? Stalkers aren't always enemies." the officer said.

"I had one back in California, but he visited for only a little bit. He left weeks ago." Charlie said.

"I'll look into it. Thank you miss." The officer moved towards Robert and Finn. Finn had pulled out his laptop and was going over the security footage. They all worked around.

"I wouldn't have Charlie be alone outside the house. Maybe we can have an officer follow her around, make sure she's safe while at work." Robert said. They made plans with a promise that a uniformed officer would be at the house in the morning to escort Charlie to work.

Charlie held onto Finn as they laid in bad that night. He played with a strand of her hair. "I'll make sure nothing happens to you." He said, kissing her forehead.

As promised, a uniformed officer was at the door the next morning. The officer, Officer Madden, was a tall woman. Her dark hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. She wore the official police uniform and the belt. Her dark skin shined as they made their way to the car. "I'll be your escort for today. I'll drive you to work anywhere while you are there. I'll be outside looking for anyone suspicous. My partner will be tagging along. He'll go through the security cam footage."

"Thank you," Charlie said.

"We will drop you back off here after you are done with work. A cruiser will be circling the block every hour." Officer Madden said, holding open the back door of the car open. It was an unmarked car with a police radio inside.

Another uniformed officer sat in the drivers seat. "Officer Katz." he introduced himself as. Officer Madden climbed in and nodded to her partner. Officer Katz pulled from the driveway.

Charlie felt uncomfortable on the short ride to her job. There was silence in the car, save the scanner. It went off every couple of minutes. Officer Katz followed Charlie inside the building while Officer Madden stayed in the car. Officer Katz went to the front desk, asking to look at footage.

Charlie was allowed to go to her office. She entered the dark room and flipped the light on. A bouquet of flowers sat on her desk. Roses. Charlie moved and picked up the note. Prepare for me. I coming to get you.

It was simple and only a couple words, but it had Charlie standing on edge. Charlie moved the bouquet off her desk and walked down to the front desk. Officer Katz was talking with her boss at the moment. "I just found these on my desk." Charlie said.

"I'm going to need to the security footage surround her office as well," Officer Katz said. He took the bouquet and read the note. "Kayla," Officer Katz said into his radio, "we have new evidence that the stalker was here. Has anyone left the building of suspicion?"

"No," the crackled reply came, "no one has entered or left the building. Is there anything on the note we can use?"

Officer Katz continued his conversation as Charlie returned to her office. She received a call from Finn moments later. "Are you alright?" He asked once she had picked up the phone.

"Yes. No one was in the office, it was just the bouquet." Charlie replied. "I have two officers with me, I'll be alright."

"I'm just worried. This is something serious. They didn't find anything on the footage at the house." Finn said.

"I'll be alright. Just make sure you are home tonight. I love you."

"I love you too," Finn replied. Charlie ended the call, feeling slightly lighter. There was still a cloud hanging over her head, but she felt more secure. She had two officers protecting her and she had Finn.

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