Chapter 64: Stranger

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-Jay's House-

"Manny!" Jay yelled to call his stepson after hanging up the call from Mitch.

"Yes?" Manny descended the stairs and stopped midway to ask.

"We're going to Mitchel's. Something has happened. I don't want you to worry, but Ryan and Alex are in a dangerous situation. Your mother will go over there with Phil to sort things out."

"What kind of situation?" Manny asked.

Jay rubbed his chin, contemplating whether to tell Manny the exact details.

"Like this..." He finally decided to tell Manny the truth and hoped for the best.

"No, No, No, No."

"Calm down, Manny!"

"And you're telling me mom is going to go over there?" Manny asked anxiously.

"Yes. why?" Jay asked.

"Jay, you don't understand. If mom knows Alex is injured because of the kidnappers, she will go all Latin on the bad guys – with the police there or not."

-Mitchell's house-

Inside the house, Mitchell and Cameron are seen sitting in the living room, awaiting Luke's arrival.

Mitchell "Should we call them? Why have they not arrived yet?"

Cameron "Calm down, Mitchell. They will be here any moment, I am sure."

Instead of listening to Cam, Mitchell started to panic even more.

Mitchell "What if something happened to them on their way here? Like their car broke down? Shouldn't we do something?"

Cam "Don't talk nonsense Mitchell nothing will happen...."

Cameron is interrupted by a knock on their door.

Mitchell gets up from the couch and asks, "Are they here?"

Cameron - "I will go check."

Cameron then walks towards the door while Mitchell remains standing, awaiting the answer to his question.

Cameron opens the main door hoping to find Luke but finds an old man outside their door.

Cameron looked slightly disappointed but asked politely, "Uh, yes, sir. How can we help you?"

The old man replied rudely, "Well, you can help by telling me what you are doing inside my house."

Cameron looked confused and asked, "Uh, I think you are at the wrong house."

Old man "Me at the wrong house? No, your whole family is the wrong house. I am at the right place. You tell me why you are in my house?"

Mitchell stopped standing still and walked towards the door.

Mitchell "Look, Mr., this is 2211. You are at the wrong house."

Old man "Ah, see, you said 2211. Then I am at the right house."

Cam "That's not possible. We have...."

Before Cameron could finish speaking, the old man showed him his left hand, gesturing for Cam to stop. Then he started removing a notepad from one of his jacket pockets.

Then he flipped the pages, and finally, upon reaching the address noted down, he showed it to the two.

Old man "See, it says 2211."

Mitchell looked at the note and replied, "It says 2222, not 2211."

Old man "What did you say? Son, can you be louder?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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