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Seito felt like he was being followed on the way to Shirabu's home

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Seito felt like he was being followed on the way to Shirabu's home.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched by several people and turned around ever so often, just to find an empty street behind him and the only sound he could really hear was the sound of cars passing by and cats meowing in alleyways.

Maybe he was a bit paranoid after having seen his boyfriend's teammates standing at the bus stop. What were they doing here? He didn't know.

He grabbed his bag a bit tighter and quickened his pace when Kenjiro's house was in sight, he only had so many meters to go until he was finally there and away from this strange feeling of being followed.

Just as he was walking up the driveway, two things happened at the same time. Firstly he saw Tendo's red hair stick out behind a bush, behind which he had been hiding. And secondly the front door burst open and as always, Seito was run over by the twins, while they squished him with their tiny arms and exclaimed that they missed him.

In a matter of seconds Seito forgot about what he had just seen and hugged the twins with a smile on his face and gave them some chocolate he always carried with him. They both took him by his hands and dragged him inside the house, eagerly they told him about the last two days in which they had watched Disney movies with their sick brother after school was over.

He smiled at that, wishing that he could've been there and see how Shirabu reluctantly agreed to doing this with them and sitting there with an annoyed frown while the two sang along to 'Let it go'.

"Where are your parents?" Seito asked as he walked around the house to find it empty except for the twins clinging onto him and Kenjiro sleeping on the couch while the credits of Ratatouille were playing on the screen.

"They went shopping"

"and to the pharmacy for Kenjiro." The twins responded.

"Then how about we watch a movie until he wakes up and they return?" He asked them.

Jumping up and down they shouted, "Yes!"

Seito wanted to shush them because Kenjiro needed a bit of rest but the sick boy didn't even flinch at the loud noise. Instead Seito just gave them some instructions to get tissues and blankets while he made popcorn.

"We're watching Brother bear."

The twins looked at each other, " Never heard of that movie."

Seito smiled, "That's okay, it's not that popular but you'll never forget it."

Everyone got comfortable on the couch, the twins each having a blanket and a bowl full of popcorn in front of them as they sat next to each other. Seito sat on the couch and put Kenjiro's head on his lap and placed a box full of tissues in front of him, just to make sure.

Not even twenty minutes in the movie and Seito was already crying, while Kenjiro stirred slowly in his lap because the hand that was stroking his hair was suddenly gone.

What Kenjiro didn't expect to see after just waking up was his boyfriend crying his eyes out with a movie playing on the screen while his brothers looked as if they, too, were about to cry.

He rubbed his eyes to fully wake up, "Why are you all crying?"

Seito looked down at him through his tears, "Sorry for waking you up and we're watching Brother bear. I don't know why I picked that movie."

Kenjiro was about to reply something as the doorbell rang.

"I'll go and get it, you stay here and drink something and take a blanket", Seito stood up and wiped his eyes with a tissue. Which just helped him a bit because his eyes were already red from crying for the last few minutes.

Seito opened the door just to find himself standing in front of the same three guys he had seen earlier and had already seen so often in pictures that Kenjiro had shown him.

"Hey", was all he could get out, while thinking: What are they doing here?

The one with gray hair, Semi, was first to speak up, " Hello, we're here to give Shirabu the school work he missed because he was sick."

Seito smiled at them, "Oh, thank you, I'll just take it."

He waited for one of them to give him the papers and then just wanted to turn around and leave, because he sure as hell didn't want his boyfriend's friends to see him with eyes red from crying. Talk about a good first impression.

Now Tendo spoke up, "Could we go inside, we want to see how he's doing and wish him a good recovery."

Seito was unsure, that was kind of a strange request, shouldn't they stay away to net get sick themselves?

He glanced inside the house, to see Shirabu standing in the hallway and making his way over.

"Why are you here? Isn't it enough for one person to come and give me the school work?" He asked his teammates harshly, "And since when do you know where I live?"

Tendo smiled at him, "We don't even get a hello from you?" And just like that he took off his shoes and went in the house while looking around. "It's pretty in here."

"Thanks but please, get out." Shirabu said tiredly. He just woke up and didn't really have the energy to deal with his antics.

Seito smiled at the black haired boy that was silent up until now and then turned to Kenjiro, "Come on, just let them in for a while, they came all the way here just for you."

Kenjiro looked Seito in the eyes, who stared right back, then he admitted defeat, "I can't argue with you! You spend way too much time with my mom." Then he turned to Goshiki and Semi, "Come in, but don't get too comfortable."

"What he's trying to say is that he'll go to the living room with you while I get some drinks." Seito said, not wanting them to think that he was as rude as his boyfriend.

Goshiki smiled at them, it was really cute how they acted like some married couple. He really did approve of the setter's boyfriend and maybe even liked the black haired boy more than Shirabu.

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